Minrav Group

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קבוצת מנרב

A group of companies specializing in construction and engineering services, managed by the publicly traded Israeli company Minrav Holdings.

The company was contracted for 25 years by Hagihon to build and operate  a sewage treatment plant in the northern part of East Jerusalem in Nabi Musa. This facility, on occupied land, would mainly serve the settlement neighborhoods of Pisgat Ze'ev, Neve Ya'akov, and French Hill. Water from the facility will also be used for agricultural farms in settlements in the Jordan Valley. This project is planned to be completed by 2011. Leumi bank provided financial accompaniment for this project in Nabi Musa in August 2016.

The company has built the Latrun railway bridge for the A1 fast train between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The bridge crosses into the Latrun enclave, which is in the occupied West Bank.

Minrav Engineering has recently won the contract to build section B of the same train line together with the Russian OJSC Moscow Metrostroy. This section would include a 3.5 KM long double tunnel starting from the same bridge within the Latrun enclave and running almost its entire length under this occupied area.

This project uses occupied Palestinian land and resources for an exclusively Israeli transportation project, a use which is illegal by international law.

Minrav built a 90 housing units on a land of 10,955 m2 in hill C in the northwest of Beitar Illit. The project is executed according to a tender of NIS 13.5 million with development expenses of NIS 16.9 million, which was awarded to the company in 18 March 2015. The construction of the project started in 2016 and is due to be completed in 2019. The investment of the company (and of the bank) in the project is expected to reach NIS 100 million. The First International Bank of Israel provides financial accompaniment to this project.

Minrav built a two-stage project in Agan Ha'ayalot in the northwestern outskirts of Givat Ze'ev settlement. The project is built in the framework of Local outline plan no. 220/10, which refers to the lands of the Palestinian village A-Jib. The company is currently building the first stage of the project, which includes the construction of 120 housing units on a land of 18,528 m2. The second stage of the project includes 29 housing units. Igud bank provides financial accompaniment to this project.

Minrav Projects was contracted in 2008 by the Israel Land Administration to build a project of 90 housing units in Talpiot East, a settlement neighborhood of Jerusalem. In addition, it holds land for a planned 100 housing units project in the settlement of Givat Ze'ev.

Minrav Steel has constructed Archive 2000 industrial building in the industrial zone of Mishor Adumim, which is an Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.

In May 2018, Minrav and Nextcom were contracted by Emek Habacha Wind Energy Ltd to build a 96MW wind farm in the occupied Syrian Golan, and operate and maintain it for a period of 20 years. Emek Habacha Wind Energy Ltd is jointly held by Kinetic Energies- Alternative Electrical Energies (60%) and E.A. Ben Dov Emek Habacha (40%).

The company executed a project of NIS 2 billion of the Israeli Ministry of Defense to erect the Bahad City of the Israeli army on a land of 250,000 m2 in the Naqab desert in a partnership with Electra and Binat. The project was established in the framework of a franchise for 25 years.

The company established the Be'er Sheva prison, in which Palestinian political prisoners are held.

The company built Kiryat Hamemshala building of governmental offices in the Kirya in Tel Aviv.
