And where be the X1?

See that phone there? That's the Sony Ericsson Xperia X1.

And that's still as close as you can get to it.

Word on the street is that the third-party vendors who supply components of the device — think processor, GPS, radio and who knows what else that's packed into this thing — can't keep up with demand, and thus we still have seen neither hide nor hair of the X1 on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.

From the Dutch-language (translation):

Xperia handsets are currently only in dribs and drabs, said the spokesman Harold Abstract opposite The problem in all countries where Sony Ericsson phone last month on the market. "We have a problem with the supply of components by third parties. That does not make enough parts on time, leaving too few copies of the device can be made."

Oh. That could just mean all kinds of good (read bad) news for AT&T, which, as we just learned, is still trying to get the HTC Fuze out the door.

Via Inxperia

Meanwhile, you can hold yourself over with our own review from way back in April or this more recent one from Mobile Tech Addicts.

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