Windows 10 preview doesn't have IE12 but it does have some Internet Explorer improvements

While today's release of the Windows 10 Technical Preview for Enterprise does not contain IE12, there are some improvements in its version of the Internet Explorer web browser that have been included in the preview build.

In a blog post, Microsoft said one of the additions is support for the HTTP/2 networking protocol. Microsoft said, "HTTP/2 builds on our experience delivering SPDY/3 support in IE11 and enables improved performance on the Web using techniques including multiplexing, header compression and Server Push."

Microsoft has also made some improvements to IE's Chakra JavaScript the Windows 10 Technical Preview, saying, "The changes include streamlining of Chakra's execution pipeline to deliver faster startup, optimizations in Chakra's Just-in-Time compiler to increase script execution throughput, and enhancements to Chakra's Garbage Collection subsystem to deliver better UI responsiveness for apps and sites." Finally, the browser "switches the parsing of domain names to use the algorithms and domain list found at

Much like it has for Xbox Music, the Xbox One console and other products. Microsoft has set up an Internet Explorer Platform Suggestion webpage via UserVoice. to get feedback from its users for the future development of IE. It states, "By using the UserVoice voting system, we'll be able to see exactly which feature suggestions are the most requested by the web developer community which will help us prioritize our work."

What suggestions would you give the IE team to use in possible future versions of the browser?

Source: Microsoft

John Callaham