Windows Phone Dashboard Beta [Developers]

As a developer I value feedback very highly. Every morning I habitually check for new reviews on my apps to see if there are any suggestions or complaints. I have a big whiteboard with a list of to-do's for each of my apps, and I add their feedback onto that. If you have anything in the Windows Phone Marketplace, I suggest you do the same, or find something similar that works for you - because there is no better way to not make money than to ignore the very people that should be paying you.

The problem is that there hasn't been a particularly easy way to view all the reviews in one place because Microsoft segregates them geographically. For the most part I used to use WP7applist, that is until this little gem came along.

A developer by the name of Rudi Grobler has been developing a Windows application called Windows Phone Dashboard which summarizes all the information for all of your apps in one nice, pretty package.

Once you have it downloaded all you need to do is type in your developer name to get started:

Then it will sync all your Marketplace apps, and grab the latest reviews (presumably ones since you last opened the application):

You can then drill down into the details of any of the apps. It will give you a bunch of stats, along with quite a cool visualization along the bottom of the reviews over the life of your app:

Finally, clicking on Reviews will show all the reviews for your app, from every different market (geographically speaking). The list can be sorted by latest, best and worst reviews:

Over the last week or so I have been conversing with Rudi about WPD and reporting bugs and feature requests. And almost every morning when I open it I see a new update coming down with shiny new features. So if you are in need of an application like this I highly recommend giving it a go, and give Rudi your thoughts and complaints.

Keep in mind that this is a beta, so is bound to have a few quirks and crashes. Hit the source below to get his contact details, and to download Windows Phone Dashboard.

Source: WPD

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