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Cyber Threat Protection for An Ever-Changing World

Cyber Liability Insurance

In today’s world, cyber security is a real concern. Hackers continually threaten our privacy and security. A cyber liability policy can help protect your business in the event you fall victim to a data breach, ransomware, phishing attack, or even a password attack. Recovering from any of these can be costly and time consuming. Cyber insurance can help you bounce back by covering expenses for recovering compromised data, attorney fees, forensics costs, regulatory compliance, and media communications to manage the breach. Our experts can explain the nuances in more detail and provide a quote. Cyber insurance is relatively inexpensive compared to the cost involved with fixing a breach. And in today’s world, you don’t want to be caught without it.

Consider Protecting Your:

  • Revenue
  • Company data
  • Hardware, computers, and networks

Protect Yourself From:

  • Costs associated with stolen customer, client, patient, or employee data
  • Ransomware and phishing
  • Damaged hardware, computers, and networks
  • Legal and public relations fees
  • Programmer fees
  • Credit monitoring expenses for affected individuals
  • Regulatory fines and penalties
  • Potential class action lawsuits


What is cyber liability insurance?

Cyber insurance is a specialized form of insurance that’s made for today’s digital age. It’s uniquely designed to help protect businesses from online threats and the risks that potential data breaches post. As business’ reliance on computers, mobile devices, and cloud-based services grows, so does the risk of online threats and data breaches.

What businesses should consider getting cyber insurance?

Because so many businesses use computers and mobile devices, cyber coverage is quickly becoming a form of insurance that most businesses should have. Businesses that rely heavily on sensitive information, such as banks and investment advisors that have client’s financial details, ought to consider getting a cyber policy. A breach at one of these businesses could be extremely costly, for it could directly impact client’s financial accounts. Even a restaurant that accepts online reservations might be held liable for any diners’ details that are lost through an online attack.

What protections do cyber insurance policies offer?

Cyber insurance policies offer a variety of protections against emerging online and data-related threats. When a business succumbs to a covered attack or experiences a covered data breach, a cyber policy might reimburse the business for revenue that’s lost because operations had to be temporarily stopped or slowed, revenue that’s lost because a business’ reputation is tarnished by the incident, reparations that are owed to affected customers or clients, expenses associated with offering affected individuals credit monitoring services, the cost of hiring programmers to identify and address any targeted security weakness, forensics costs, and costs for legal and public relations services.

Do cyber policies cover ransomware attacks?

Ransomware attacks are online attacks that hold a business’ data hostage for a ransom payment. These kinds of online attacks are becoming more and more common. Some cyber policies provide protection from this type of threat, but not all do yet.

Do businesses that have commercial property insurance still need cyber insurance?

It’s usually advisable to get cyber insurance regardless of whether a business has commercial property insurance, because the two types of insurance offer different protections. Commercial property policies may offer coverage for computers, but their protections are often limited to hardware. In contrast, cyber policies are generally designed to help protect the information that’s stored on computers (or in the cloud). Cyber policies normally safeguard data from being stolen or otherwise compromised. Without a cyber policy, businesses frequently have little or no protection for the information that’s stored on their computers.



Expert Guidance

What Kinds of Incidents Can Cyber Insurance Protect My Business From?

Learn More: What Kinds of Incidents Can Cyber Insurance Protect My Business From?


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Expert Guidance

What Coverages Should My Business Look for in a Cyber Insurance Policy?

Learn More: What Coverages Should My Business Look for in a Cyber Insurance Policy?