Demo Updated! 5 months of progress

Hello everyone!

After 5 months of work I have finally released a major update to the demo! Things are starting to come together into a real game, though this build is still pre-alpha :)

See below for all the updates!

Metropolis 1998 - Release Notes

Major Changes

  • Load on Demand implemented for more efficient GPU processing
  • Commercial, Service, and Municple demand implemented (stage one, basic)
  • Residential demand implemented. NOTE: Right now it's random, but the value effects the rate people will move in. Random is temporary.
  • Unit animations, sitting/sleeping, and color variants
  • Vehicle color variants
  • Basic terrain modification (no height or water yet)
  • Much more efficient saving/loading times and reduced save file size
  • More unit activities (like going out to lunch while at work)
  • Families added (basic implementation). Will move in together.
  • You can place auto grow zones and buildings have construction animations. NOTE: Right now you can only place for low density, and there's only one allowed depth. This will be expanded in future builds.
  • Map / terrain is now procedurally generated
  • Potato graphics mode. All windows become opaque, and only the visible top floors all outdoor items are drawn by the GPU

Minor Changes

  • Units can now path across a road when entering/exiting a driveway
  • Units are assigned clothing + color based on their job (most businesses do not have this feature yet)
  • Roof texture will output on all floors now (instead of flat roof below top floor)
  • GUI Updated. Also added current weather icon
  • Wind is no longer constant
  • Buildings can no longer be edited when connected to road. NOTE: This will soon become a button the player can press to add the building to the market.
  • New assets
  • Unit wont claim a parking spot until it enters the buildings property
  • Blueprints can now be mirrored (press T)
  • Units can now properly path in 3D space (where as before they could only use one staircase)
  • Outdoor objects are no longer deleted when an outdoor floor is placed (excluding driveways)
  • Press B to open delete menu
  • Trees are now deleted when zone tile is placed
  • Added boundary fence / federal property.
  • Highway no longer runs through city owned land.
  • Added grandparents and children unit assets
  • Vehicles have wheel animations when moving

Engine Changes

  • Dynamic allocation for classes due to hitting stack memory limit
  • Faster containers used for most data
  • Major refactor, removed lots of unnecessary containers to reduce overhead/complexity
  • Removed smaller tile atlases. For now the engine will just use GPU zooming
  • General engine performance enhancements
  • Reduced RAM usage

Bug Fixes

  • Forced computer to use GPU when available. Before it was defaulting to CPU integrated graphics for laptops, causing problems.
  • Fixed game freezing on rare occasion. This happened because I allowed units to path through walls. This sometimes caused an infinite loop while pathing.
  • Fixed some roof sprites missing when camera was set to West
  • Jobs, schedules, and units are properly adjusted when a building is deleted or modified
  • Parking spots are properly freed
  • Fixed some units not drawing to the screen when they were on higher floors
  • Fixed units not using non driveway outdoor floors (as a path preference)
  • Fixed trees not centering properly when camera is rotated
  • Fixed windows not outputting when they were not touching adjacent building
  • Entrances (outdoor doors) are now properly lit
  • Prevented units purchasing homes that were not connected to road network
  • Fixed extremely slow room output/delete code
  • Fixed objects being able to be placed through a roof
  • Fixed rare pathfinding bug that allowed units to walk through wall when viable path was available
  • Fixed window lighting when window is placed when camera is rotated (i.e. not North)
  • Fixed object unable to be placed on road median when zone exists on that tile
  • Fixed zone boarders not adjusting position when camera is rotated
  • Fixed blueprints not saving properly when zone was weirdly shaped
  • Fixed nudge object bug that prevented object from being moved into a valid position
  • Fixed bug where a unit would be assigned two cars and drive both at the same time
  • Added grass to blueprint preview
  • Added top down walls to blueprint preview
  • Added outdoor signs to blueprint preview
  • Fixed lighting not being assigned to windowless/lampless rooms (units would appear brightly lit when walking around)

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