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Guardians of the Galaxy - Chapter 7 All Collectible Locations (Outfits, Archives, Guardian Items)
2021Oct 27
Guardians of the Galaxy has 126 Collectibles (45 Outfits, 15 Guardian Collectibles, 32 Items, 34 Archives). Finding all collectible locations in Guardians of the Galaxy unlocks the following trophies / achievements: Thoughtful Captain trophy – Find half of the Guardian Collectibles [Bronze] Managerial Skills trophy – Find all of the Guardian Collectibles for one Guardian [Silver] Like a Glove! trophy – Find and equip one Outfit [Bronze] Fashion Passion trophy – Find and equip all Outfits [Silver] Lore Hoarder trophy – Collect 65% of all Galactic Compendium entries of each category [Silver] Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide Playlist:    • Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible G...   Full Overview & Text Guides: All Compendium-related Collectibles are missable because it resets your progress in Chapter Select. It's recommended to save in a different Manual Slot at the start of every chapter, in case you miss anything you can reload the save. You need all Outfits and almost all Guardian Collectibles to get Platinum in one playthrough (each Guardian Collectible unlocks a Compendium Item when interacting with it on your spaceship). Of Archives you only need 65%. The other Compendium entries (Characters, Factions, Creatures, Places) unlock automatically from Story Progress. TIMELINE CHAPTER 7: #1 - Archive: Warning - 0:00 #2 - Archive: Cadet Gold’s Attendance - 0:35 #3 - Guardian Collectible: Drax’s Rap Sheet - 1:31 #4 - Outfit - Rocket: Nova Corps - 2:19 #5 - Outfit - Gamora: Nova Corps - 3:28 #6 - Galactic Compendium Item: Chewbacca Toy - 4:08 #7 - Archive: So Many Thoughts - 4:59 #8 - Archive: Urgent Quarantine Warning - 5:27 #9 - Guardian Collectible: Galactic War Commendation - 6:01 #10 - Archive: Upcoming Accuser Visit - 6:15 #11 - Archive: Cycle Reminders - 6:38 #12 - Archive: Golden Shadows - 6:57 SUBSCRIBE: Support this Channel by becoming a Member:    / @powerpyx   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow PowerPyx:    / powerpyx     / powerpyx     / powerpyx   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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