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How 2 Pyramid Head
2021May 19
Alotta work went into this one, enjoy bois :) My twitch:   / fripfrop_   My Discord:   / discord   My twitter:   / frop_frip   Songs used: Demon's Souls Remake (PS5) OST - Trailer Music Persona 5 - Life will change Ryu Ga Gotoku Zero OST: JUDGEMENT 審判 (Full Spec Edition) 0:00 Intro 0:33 Persona Head 1:31 Gael Head bossfight intro 2:27 Judgement Yes, those are 1 year old gameplay clips, Ive literally put this video off for an entire year :D As my standards for editing rise, I end up deleting edits over and over until I'm happy with them. If I stop editing for any reason and come back, chances are my standards have risen again so I ended up re-editing this video at least 5 times. It's a cheeky circle to get out of but I'm glad I could push through to make this for you folks~ Ill see you in the next one! #dbd #silenthill #pyramidhead Thumbnail art by - me :)

Frip Frop

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