Now this is what the spirit of UBUNTU looks like, sounds like, and (thank you Don Packett), acts like 🇿🇦 This is what makes this Nation so special ! Thank you South Africa 🇿🇦 #VUKA #MASAKHANE #STRONGERTOGETHER Rachel Kolisi Kolisi Foundation CCFM 107.5 Good Things Guy 5FM
CEO & Founder - The Sozo Foundation | Social Entrepreneur | Social Impact Innovator | HOPE activist - South Africa 🇿🇦
We’ve been scammed ! The Sozo Foundation. I was the one who fell for it…🤯 I am not a fan of naming and shaming and this is not that; it’s more a case of normalising the fact that you or I are not “stupid” for being scammed… we’re just normal decent humans. I excitedly started researching foldable round table at the start of our Education program and came across some brilliant ones with a solid top and foldable legs. The 25 tables would have been used to transform our Education Centre classrooms into a more inclusive learning environment. At the same time the current rectangular tables were to be moved into our Skills Centre where we are refurbishing a new space for workshops, lectures, events etc. I was excited because my team did not know about it as it was a bit of a surprise 🤗 to encourage their vision their drive their ambitions ! Kinda like a bit of a “dad” moment… Now, I count myself pretty “savvy” when it comes to online shopping and I always make sure I check the nuts and bolts out thoroughly before placing any orders, especially for the Foundation. Hence I always insist that as CEO I rather do the large orders merely because I don’t want any of my team to have to deal with the shock of having been scammed and losing vital funds for the organisation; true story 😬 Well, now I can truly say that I know what it feels like… Having done all my due diligence, we received the Invoice and paid this business into their Standard Bank Group business account the amount of R38,375. And then ….. they disappeared Just like that, R38k gone , no tables no answer no email replies and nothing I could do but to swallow the bitter “I’ve been scammed” pill 💊 Geez, 😒 it really sucks. So please be careful of this “company” and if you have been scammed before , don’t take it personally; these people are very good at doing evil. But they don’t realise that no amount of darkness can snuff out a single candle 🕯️light . The key is to get back up, shake off the dust and keep going forward! I am still committed to getting the 25 round tables for our Education team’s vision. Honestly, we do have the money right now to absorb this, we’ve been working hard to build up our cash flow. We are blessed and grateful and in a good financial space 🙏 BUT if you feel like showing a sense of camaraderie against these negatives, you are invited and welcome to sponsor 1 of the 25 tables. You can click here and donate R1500 for 1 or R15k for 10 😁 And please do comment because these kinds of gestures build national pride and unity to stand up together against these elements. Is anyone up for the “turn the tables” challenge ? If you are, please comment and challenge someone in your comment to rise up as one Nation 🇿🇦 Sponsor link 🔗 Together we can VUKA 🇿🇦( Xhosa word meaning “Rise Up ! “ ) By the way below 👇 is the scammer; beware 👀