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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Well Deserved Praise

On November 17th, a day shy of Mr. Mouse's 80th birthday, the Sherman Brothers, Richard and Robert, were endowed the National Medal of the Arts at the White House.

Of course you know the Shermans, for they wrote most of Disney's songs of the 60s, during the entire period from Sword in the Stone to Aristocats, including Mary Poppins, which won them Academy Awards. They were also prolific outside of Disney, including writing the hit She's Sixteen (She's Beautiful and She's Mine). Currently they have Poppins and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang shows around the country.

Here they receive the highest national honor in the field of the Arts.

If you are wondering, President Bush tells Richard "You boys really deserve this!" and to Robert he says "I'm glad you could make it!"

Yesterday night we had a little get-together that included our dear friend Richard Sherman, who asked in advance if we would be interested in seeing the medal. Would we indeed! So here are a few pictures I took last night.

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Anonymous Michael Sporn says...

A great post. I love their work. Thanks.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 5:11:00 AM PST  
Anonymous George Taylor says...

Congratulations to the Sherman Brothers.

Hans, send our thanks for all of the magic they have created over the years.

Sunday, November 30, 2008 at 8:58:00 AM PST  

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