

VIDEO! Chinese Women Angry Over Bus Delay in Japan Surround Driver! The Taiwanese man who intervened also took the brunt of the situation!

视频! 中国妇女在日本因巴士延误而愤怒地包围了司机! 介入的台湾男子也首当其冲!














Record China 2023年3月24日(金) 19時0分


文章称,台湾男子杨某于1月19日在自己的Facebook页面上写下了这一事件。 报道称,杨某于18日下午登上了一辆从东京开往名古屋的JR东海巴士快车,但由于当时是周六,天气多雨,出现了交通堵塞,司机事先宣布巴士将晚点到达。

然而,当公交车到达时,几名中年妇女显然无法转车,她们用中文逼问司机,问他为什么开得这么慢,还用日语要求他们给老板打电话。 据杨女士说,这些妇女被认为是中国人。

杨先生看不到她们,他说:"当时正在下雨,出现了交通堵塞。 这不是司机的错。 如果他开得太快,造成事故怎么办?",这导致了妇女和杨先生之间的纠纷。 妇女们问他:"你认为台湾属于中国吗?" 杨先生回答说:"台湾是台湾,不是中国"。

据杨先生说,他告诉司机:"这不是你(杨先生)的问题。 他试图离开该地区,但被妇女包围,其中一名妇女喊道,他对她进行了性骚扰。 在争斗中,听到了警车的鸣笛声,这些妇女离开了现场。

JR东海巴士的一名代表说:'的确,18日,由于东名高速公路上的交通拥堵,巴士被延误,外国乘客(国籍不明)之间发生了问题。 他们坐在公交车前面,(公交车)被堵住了,所以我们请警察来处理",并表示 "对于道路拥堵造成的延误,我们无能为力,希望大家理解"。

据三立报网报道,杨某说:"我真的以为自己会被杀死。 说实话,我很害怕,因为是以一敌三"。 他还说:"我希望司机是安全的。"他还说:"下次我再遇到这样的事情,我将立即向警方报告。 如果你有急事,你应该乘坐子弹头列车。 众所周知,长途巴士会因路况而延误!' 他呼吁说。

在回应这个帖子时,其他网民写道:'你没有错。 在外国你需要小心。 幸运的是你没有受伤","你太害怕了。 你应该小心你的人身安全","感谢上帝,它没有变成一个大事件","感谢你为自己站出来","你应该随身携带安全喷雾! 收到的评论如下。

The Taiwanese media outlet Sanlit Newspaper Network reported on March 22 that "Chinese women angry over a bus delay in Japan surrounded the driver, and a Taiwanese man who intervened in the situation took the brunt of the action.

According to the article, Yang, a Taiwanese man, wrote on Facebook on the 19th about the incident. According to the report, Yang boarded a JR Tokai Bus express bus from Tokyo to Nagoya on the afternoon of the 18th, but there was a traffic jam due to rainy weather and the fact that it was a Saturday, and the driver had announced in advance that the bus would arrive late.

However, when the bus arrived, several middle-aged women, who were probably too late to make the connection, pressed the driver in Chinese, asking him why he was driving so slowly, and demanding in Japanese that they should call their boss. According to Ms. Yang, the women were believed to be Chinese.

Mr. Yang, who could not help but notice, told the driver, "It was raining and there was a traffic jam. It was not the driver's fault. What if he drives too fast and causes an accident?" When Mr. Yang intervened, the women and Mr. Yang got into trouble. The women asked him, "Do you think Taiwan belongs to China?" Yang responded, "Taiwan is Taiwan, not China.

According to Mr. Yang, the driver told him, "It is not your (Mr. Yang's) problem. He tried to leave the area, but was surrounded by women, one of whom shouted, "You (Yang) sexually harassed me. One of the women shouted, "Mr. Yang sexually harassed you." During the struggle, the siren of a police car was heard, and the women left the scene.

A JR Tokai Bus representative said, "Indeed, on the 18th, the bus was delayed due to traffic congestion on the Tomei Expressway, and there was some trouble between foreign passengers (of unknown nationality). They were sitting in front of the bus and (the bus) was stuck, so we asked the police to deal with the situation," and stated, "We cannot do anything about delays caused by road congestion, and we ask for your understanding.

According to the Sanlit News Network, Yang said, "I really thought I was going to be killed. I was honestly scared because it was one against three. I hope the driver is safe," he said. "The next time I encounter something like this, I will immediately report it to the police. If you are in a hurry, you should take the bullet train. It is common knowledge that long-distance buses are delayed by road conditions!" He appealed to the public.

Other netizens commented on this post, "You are not wrong. You need to be careful in a foreign country. It is fortunate that you were not injured. I'm glad it didn't turn out to be a big incident," "Thank you for standing up for yourself," and "You should carry a security spray! The comments are as follows.

4<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん2023/03/24(金) 19:46:12.04ID:55YlRFBz

5<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん2023/03/24(金) 19:46:52.39ID:TV1q/eTK

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27<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん2023/03/24(金) 20:04:04.75ID:RJh2u9sw

39<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん2023/03/24(金) 20:15:18.98ID:j3hun8gS