Thursday, October 25, 2007

This just in from a friend of the blog:


Since you won't be around to wish all of us Yanks a "Happy Thanksgiving", I looked around for a Disney Thanksgiving story for you so you could wish us an early Happy Halloween and Happy Thanksgiving. Inspired by Wade Sampson's column this week on Walt Disney and the Grand Canyon, here is a story that Claude Coats told in 1986 (I am sure he told it earlier than that but that's when I heard it) about working on Grand Canyon Diorama and wild turkeys. So that is as close to a Thanksgiving story as I have for you to post if you want.

"First, I developed a story board for the diorama. I spotted in some bighorn sheep in the board as well as some other animals and several wild turkeys. When Walt saw the story board, he was quite surprised and said, 'I've never heard of wild turkeys at the Grand Canyon'. I assured him that there are wild turkeys at the Grand Canyon. He asked me again: "Are you sure?' 'Yes,' I told him. I saw them. Later that day, Walt brought a visitor into my area and was showing him our plans for the Grand Canyon Diorama. With a bit of authority in his voice, Walt asked the visitor, ' Did you know there are wild turkeys in the Grand Canyon?' but before the guest could reply Walt turned to me with that questioning look of his (raising his eyebrow) and said 'Are you sure there are wild turkeys in the Grand Canyon?'"]

Happy Halloween a few days early to all of you!

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