Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Through CartoonBrew we learn today of the death of Vic Haboush on May 24.

Along with Ray Aragon, Walt Peregoy, Tom Oreb and a few others, Haboush defined the style of Disney's animated productions in the mid-'50s... what Amid calls the "Cartoon Modern" look.

Thanks to Amid Amidi I had the chance of interviewing Vic in July of 2007. That interview was one of the most enjoyable of the past 3 years and will appear in Walt's People - Volume 9.

This is another sad day.

1 comment:

Major Pepperidge said...

Very sad news, I think that the 50's Disney style has become exceptionally popular these days due to the talents of people like Mr. Haboush.

I look forward to reading your interview!
