Friday, June 28, 2013

I just learned of the existence of this new e-book and can't wait to pick it up. I wish there were a physical copy, though.


Denis Dlugas said...

It's just a revised edition of the out-of-print book "Toon at War". So if you own the first edition there's no need to by this new kindle version.

DisneyDave said...

Have you read the Kindle version because your statement is false and misleading. The original book had 200 images. The revised book has 384 images. Plus there is a LOT of new information not included in the original book that I accumulated in the course of the 13 years since the original was published. Thanks to everyone who has purchased a copy. Sales have been brisk and feedback to me so far has been very positive.

Denis Dlugas said...

I've read a few book reviews. I haven't read myself since it's only an ebook and there're so far no plans for a printed version. Don't know why so many people seem to be that fond of Kindle books anyway.

DisneyDave said...

Denis, I think people are fond of e-books because it is an inexpensive way to get content into the hands of interested readers. I must admit, I too am fond of paper books. But the time and budget needed to create a paper book can be prohibitive with the added price of layout, printing, and distribution. And you have to find a willing publisher too. There are many publishers who have no interest at all in this genre so just the time involved in finding someone who is interested can be prohibitive. e-books allow subject matter experts the opportunity to get their material published and into the hands of those with an interest in what the author may write about. This is material that might otherwise just wind-up sitting in a filing cabinet, unpublished and inaccessible, which would be a shame.

DisneyDave said...

Printed books can be time-consuming and costly to produce. I also prefer paper books but sometimes an e-book is the only viable option. Having a printed book created involves finding a publisher who is willing to take on your project, and then with that comes the added time and expense involved with layout, printing, and distribution. e-books allow writers and researchers an avenue to have their material published and available to those interested in the material, which otherwise may never make it to print, and be instead forever relegated to a dusty file cabinet.
