Tuesday, June 18, 2013

You may have heard this already: D23 relaunched their website yesterday. I have just checked out the members-only section and lto say that I was excited by what I saw would be a complete understatement.

If you are reading this blog, you have to become a member right away.

Here is an email I just received from Becky Cline, Director of the Archives:

[We found photos of Diane, Sharon and even Roy on the Griffith Park Merry-Go-Round recently … some of them were posted on our re-launched D23 website today!  We found an amazing cache of photos recently and we will be rolling out the best of them in the next few weeks on our site and in the magazine! We posted them today in a column we are calling "D'scovered" where we will be constantly sharing new finds as we come across them.  :)]

As soon as you become a member, jump to the following three sections:

- D'scovered
- Lost Adventures
- Weird Disney

There is some truly spectacular new photos and documents in these sections.

And also check out the new episode of Armchair Archivists which contains especially one great surprise connected to Disneyland.

I never thought I would get this excited about D23 but they are really moving in the right direction now as far as I am concerned and are definitely worth supporting.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I'm glad you like it!! And I hope you enjoy what's coming up :)
