Thursday, July 4, 2013

Brooks' Hair Mod


1. Follow the install instructions HERE

2. Use Gibbed to mod the following hair mesh and textures following this guide: link


  1. This mod came out first - I would feel like a thief (of sorts) if I were You... You didn't even mention that girl's (?) mod on Your BSN blog. That's just... rude Y'know?

    1. I didn't take anything from that mod...not even the idea to use Brooks' hair on femshep. From the moment the Citadel DLC came out, the first question was: how do I use this on my character?

      1) It's in-game assets, all I did was port it. If they made the mesh and not Bioware, there would be an ownership issue. Are they stealing from Bioware?

      2) I edited the mesh to fit femshep's head and remove clipping - my work.

      3) I used the up to date mesh import so the lighting isn't bugged anymore - my work.

      If that person wants to update their mod to do the same, more power to them.

      As it is, I didn't steal anything, and am providing this mod for free out of my own time for people who want to use it.

      Giving credit is about giving credit for using other people's work - all the work here is mine. If giving credit is for the original asset and ideas - that was Bioware's and we're all thieves.

    2. Many thanks for your perfect work ELE08. For me you are something like a mod god :-)))))
      I used the mod of llawsford for brook's hair first, but there were so many issues in between scenes. Therefore unplayable for me.
      The modding is an eternal evolve from all the people know how it goes. To speak of theft is a real impudence.
      Each of says something should be ashamed.

    3. Thanks Maike :)
      I'm glad you're enjoying the mods!
      Coming from other communities where taking other people's work without permission is about the worst thing you can do, I might have overreacted a bit...

  2. I love you Ele! Thanks so much for the time and energy you put into this.

  3. Can you please explain how to do this to someone who has never modded before? I am very confused at what to do and feel kind of dumb.

    1. Can you specify exactly what you're having problems with? Instructions on how to install are on this page :)

    2. The ME3EXPLORER I've downloaded it and it is the Binary.rar... I've tried to unzip it with the 7-zip file manager but there's so many files I'm not sure which one is the application. I was just very confused at how to use it... Thanks for your help!

    3. Got it. After you've unzipped the folder, there should be a file called ME3Explorer.exe inside, or just ME3Explorer if you have file extensions hidden.
      Having .NET Framework installed is required to run it, but you should get a warning pop-up when you try and open it if this is the case.

    4. Heh, it's okay. Do you get any warnings or errors? Are you fully updated to .NET Framework 4.0?

      Without more info I'm a little short on advice :)
      If you still can't get it to work, you should check out the official forums:

    5. If I replace the file but I don't run the TOCBinUpdater would it still work or no?

    6. You always need to run TOCBinUpdater or your game will crash.

  4. I did everything this guide asked. I start the save I edited but it doesn't load meaning I get stuck on an infinite loading screen. What am I doing wrong?

    Do I absolutely need Citadel DLC for this to work? I do have it, I'm just not sure if it installed properly.

    I tried your sims hairstyle, got the same thing.

    1. You do not need the Citadel DLC installed.
      Infinite load screen usually means the TOCBinUpdater has not run correctly. It occurs to me the instructions could be better, so I've updated them on this page.
      If this is not the case, I would go to the ME3Explorer forums to troubleshoot ME3Explorer:

    2. I feel dumb for doing this but just to be absolutely clear am I supposed to run TOCBinUpdater from Tools and just leave it alone or do I also go under File and "Check PCConsoleTOC.bin", because when I do all it says at the bottom is "no updates found".

    3. No prob ME3Explorer isn't exactly user-friendly at this point.
      Correct you need to go to File and "Check PCConsoleTOC.bin". If it says no updates found, the game should run, unless its crashing from something else. Although it should have found 1 update after running the 1st time.

  5. yeah that's strange, no update was found even on the first time..
    Well thanks for the help. I'll search more about this. I really wish Modding ME3 were as easy as modding DAO or kotor. Used to be just drop your mods in a file and it would work

  6. I follow all these instructions but when I try to load my save nothing happens, I have that damn infinite load screen. When I run TOCBinUpdater the programm can't see any updates.

    1. Alright. Well, there's been enough people with this issue that there might be something going wrong with the program and your setup.
      I've had people test on a clean game install, and I've tried doing a completely clean install which is:

      -delete the PCConsoleToc.bin file
      -run 'repair install' in Origin to completely revert the game
      -install modded PCC file
      -run TOCBinUpdater with the current build of ME3Explorer

      And it returns with "1 update found." And everything loads perfectly.

      Without being able to recreate the problem, I have no idea why you're getting an error :(

      Do you have anything else modded? Might help me figure out what's going on in the future.

    2. I know this is several months late, and you may have figured it all out by now, but I just had a thought.
      I was having the same problem with the "1 update found" never showing up in my ME3Explorer... well, when I went to the me3explorer freeforums and did a quick search, I found this (

      "ME3Explorer doesn't conventionally install so when you doubleclick the exe, the program will simply open. It is not yet ready for use though, as it needs to go through a one time setup procedure that will allow it to create and scan some necessary files in your game's install folder.
      To start that process we'll have to start up Texplorer which is located under "Developer Tools". You'll get a popup asking you if you want to edit DLC content as well."

      Turns out, I never actually installed the ME3Explorer. I thought I'd done it all, but I was incorrect. Maybe this is why so many people are having trouble? Or, you know, could be just me. Installing it now - I'll try reloading this again, probably tomorrow, and will let you know if it fixed the issue.

  7. Ok, I'm sorry but I'm getting really peeved off. I've followed these instructions word for word about 5 times now, and every time I get stuck on the loading screen, and if I click my mouse (it's windowed) it freezes and I have to shut it down. I want this hair cause I want to record my playthrough, but it doesnt work. I'm seriously gonna throw my pc out the window. I've even uninstalled and re-installed the game to get the files all back to normal and tried again, NOTHING WORKS :@

    1. I'm sorry, I don't know why it's not working for you. I would troubleshoot ME3Explorer at their official forums. If you only crash on modded saves it's probably an error made with gibbed and I would look into that. Good luck!

  8. *sigh* I'm having that infinite load screen too T.T . It's a shame,this hair looks amazing. Oh well,i just will have to go without it D:

  9. the hair style shows up, but the color is always brown instead of my femshep's original color. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

    1. No idea.
      Is the tpf loaded?
      Is the correct DIFF string in gibbed?
      Have you checked all 3 places for hair color (hair color, highlight 1, highlight 2)?

    2. There's no tpf file for this particular download.

      I can't really tell if I have it right, since my character's hair color is shiny brown to begin with, but I noticed in a lot of dialogue scenes my Shepard's hair starts acting see-through, and sometimes has weird....visuals. Hard to explain, but it's definitely not 'natural' like Brook's hair was during the dialogue (might just be her hair being black to avoid this though)

    3. There is no tpf since this hair already exists in the game. The hair texture is the one stated in the directions.
      As far as Shepard's hair being transparent in certain places, this happens with ALL hair.

  10. Holy crap this looks awesome and managed to got it work with ur guides. Makes you wonder why bioware didn't have long hair styles for our femshep.


  11. Hello,

    I don't know if you will ever read this but I'm kinda desperate: I thought I did everything correct because the hair shows up ingame and looks fine. But my Shepard has now this green stuff on neck and tongue...I don't know why. Can you help?

  12. Thank you so much for this mod :) I started a brand new femshep playthrough just so I could have pretty hair. I hate that I'm THAT kind of girl gamer :P

  13. I always end up with a middle part (Allers), otherwise all the changes work (Gibbed raw data editing) What am I missing? I prefer the side part (Brooks).

  14. Hey there~ I'm sorry to say that I guess I have the same problem as many .. ^^" But !
    I was wondering a bit, actually everything works fine - up to a certain point.

    So I had my last playthrough with Allers Hair and that was nice, no issue or such.
    No matter what I change via Gibbed, it always works (not much anyway, usually just hair and eye color or whole face).
    I also changed the coalesced file (was a mod for clothes and such) and updated with TOC.bin and it found the update - all that works fine too.
    [ I was thinking whether the modded coalesced was maybe the problem to not make the Hair Mods work, but actually they never worked before I had changed that file either ]

    The thing is, the save file doesn't load anymore whenever I change the PCC file for hair :/ It doesn't even matter what Hair Mod, all those who require a modded PCC file to replace the original one won't work for me, hm ..

    TOC.bin does indeed always find an update and I can save and am "done". But that's when the infinite loading screen comes.

    As soon as I replace the modded PCC with the original one again, all's fine ... just that it's never the modded Hair of course but Allers again.

    I also already tried repairing the PCC.Console but sadly, nothing changes from the point on where I replace the PCC file and update "successfully".
    Well, I guess there's not really a solution to this, I'm pretty much at a loss of ideas too .. But here's still hoping "x)

    Still, I thank you for your work there, I admire those who create MODs or make them better and all :D Have a nice day !

  15. Hey, sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but I was trying to get Brooks hair and I did everything (I think) like your tutorials said (which btw are really helpful, thank you) and when I load my game I have Allers hair, which is nice but I had my heart set on Brooks. Any help would be appreciated :)

    1. Oh fyi im playing ME3 on the xbox don't know if that changes anything :S

  16. Hey, for some reason using the ME3 Explorer and following your instructions i had to go back from opening the .bin file and then going into binaries to find the me3.exe, when i updated it it said it had 2 updates. Can you help please? Please reply ASAP!



  17. I just can't get this to work. After redoing this over a dozen times, every time I try to load up an edited save game, the game stops responding and I am stuck in the loading screen. It's the PCC file. Without it, I can load up the edited save game fine (but the hair looks strange). When I use the TOCBinUpdater, it just tells me no update has been found.

    1. Hey, can you give me the code for that face identity in the image.? Pleas

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