About Hobbyist Software

Hobbyist Software was born in November 2003 when Palmgear asked me for my company name in order to sell "treo600Volume". I wasn't a company, just a hobbyist, so I put that in. The name stuck.

I still develop for fun - but I no longer have to have a corporate job to make a living! I try to offer great value, great service and great products.
I rely on your registrations to make a living, so if you like my software please register - and if you don't, please tell me why!

Hobbyist Software is now a Limited company (see the footer for legal details). I am now one of many..

We Are:


Grand High Poobar (aka managing director): Developer, Marketing, Everything not covered by anyone else...


Support Monkey: Pat will help you...


Generally helpful person: Office cat (not actually a cat).


Surface-To-Air Battery Commander: Owner of Handydev and windows-wrangler extrodinaire.
The Windows helpers and Windows Mobile apps are his.


Android Guy: A former Palm OS colleague, Shimon also runs his own outfit - ShSh software

Want to play?

If you are a hobbyist developer and would like to join us, drop me a line.
