Friday, August 29, 2008

Tigh selects Roslin



For those who aren't total Battlestar Galactica geeks, that's the Republican nominee and his new VP choice Governor Sarah Palin on the left and Colonel Saul Tigh and Laura Roslin, President of the Twelve Colonies on the right.

So far only one of the above is a confirmed Cylon...


Anonymous said...

As hilarious as this is, for the people who are just starting out watching "Battlestar Galatica," your joke at the end about one of them being a confirmed Cylon is a huge spoiler. I'd appreciate it if you could remove that in consideration for those who wouldn't want to know such a thing.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that Vader is Lukes father...

Unknown said...

Sorry. Link corrected.

toybreaker said...

I heard that there is no Easter Bunny.

stormy said...

Why are those crazy right wing Jesus freaks looking more and more like anti-christs?

Unknown said...

The Cylon thing is the only reasonable explanation for Palin's pro-creationism stance.

Christopher Ambler said...

Submitted for your amusement.

NerdMom said...

Can I please use your graphic on my blog. While I am a supporter of both, I love this. I would totally put a link back to you.

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOO! Gee, thanks a lot for the Spoiler Warning >_> Well, at least I don't know for sure who it is, but this is gonna bug me cause I'm only 2/3 through Season 1.

Unknown said...

Please do!

Anonymous said...

If only McCain had gone with his gut and picked Lieberman we could have had a Tigh/Palpatine ticket.

Anonymous said...

Dude, Laura Roslin is so much hotter than Sarah Palin. Also, uh, smarter. not that the second part matters, of course, but *still*....

Unknown said...

This must have something to do with my suspicions that Adama is actually Pervez Musharraf.

I mean, his glasses even have the signature BSG unnecessary 45-degree corners.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Except Tigh/Roslin '08 are doing everything they can to destroy humanity, not save it.

Anonymous said...

I'm voting for Adama/Cottle.

Unknown said...

@number13 and BrendanM, I agree.

@Anonymous, Palpatine wishes he was half as evil as Lieberman. King Douchebag is going to be drawn and quartered on November 5th. I want front row seats for that.

Anonymous said...

Hey weenies, this is the internet - if you don't want spoilers, you should probably just turn the computer off.

Anyway. Win.

Unknown said...

To be honest, you pointing out that it was a spoiler is what spoiled it. I never would have guessed the cylon comment had anything to do with the actual show until you blatantly said it did.

Daniel said...

Actually, I was upset by the spoiler too. I mean, I wasn't SURE it was a spoiler, but whatever episode this is shown wouldn't surprise the s* out of me anymore.

Effigy farms said...

We have not seen the last season yet, but I peeked. Muhhahah... Thomas is going crazy waiting for it.
