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Russian intercontinental ballistic missile. Small truck-mobile ICBM developed in reaction to US Midgetman. Cancelled in 1992.

AKA: 15Zh59;RSS-40;SS-X-26;Temp-SM. Status: Retired 1991. First Launch: 1989-03-16. Last Launch: 1991-05-30. Number: 4 .

Developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology (Nadiradze) as per decree 696-213 of 21 July 1983. Prototype missiles were produced at the Votkinsk Machine Building Plant, where production would also have occurred. Tests of the missile launch process and its self-propelled launcher took place at Plesetsk from March 1989 to May 1990 using a lightweight first stage and dummy upper stages. Launches of prototype missiles were to begin in the summer of 1992, but in response to the American cancellation of Midgetman, Gorbachev terminated Kuryer in October 1991.

Country: Russia.

1989 March 16 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Vehicle: Kuryer.
1990 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Vehicle: Kuryer.
1990 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Vehicle: Kuryer.
1991 May 30 - . Launch Site: Plesetsk. Launch Vehicle: Kuryer.

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