Monday, May 24, 2010

The Many, Many Seas...

Even after three years I still get a great deal of questions about DisneySEA/Port Disney...

I've done many articles that profess my love of Tokyo DisneySEA and have talked for quite of few on the glory that could have been Port Disney. From time to time, I consistently get asked things about them. Most of those questions could simply be answered by checking old blog posts. So I thought I'd do a little of the heavy lifting for you.

If you have an interest in seeing or knowing more about the most expensive, most elaborate theme park that Disney or anyone else has built, then click here for all of Blue Sky Disney's articles on Tokyo DisneySEA.

If you would like to find out what was going to be built in Long Beach by a very ambitious Walt Disney Company back in the early 90's that would have redefined what a theme park is, then click here for all of Blue Sky Disney's articles on Port Disney.

Also for your perusal, if you'd like to see what could be the largest collection of pictures, beautifully taken and professionally put on the web, then click here for Chris' Tokyo Disney Resort website/then here for specifically Chris' DisneySEA website.

And if you'd like one of the most comprehensive collections of information about the Tokyo Disneyland Resort/Tokyo DisneySEA, then click here for Joe in Japan's JTE website/then here for Joe's YouTube channel.

There's enough material there to keep you dreaming till the next wish comes along...


Rodan said...

So, the DisneySea park in U.S.A is a dead idea. That is to bad.

Anonymous said...

I see those pics of Tokyo Disneyland and I just seethe, especially when I see TD's Pooh ride in comparison to the cheapass rip-off bargain-basement Pooh ride in WDW. That is DISGRACEFUL. We Americans have to settle for a lesser cheaper effort - WHY??? Pennypinching in the American parks is the reason why WDW now seems like a throwback has-been compared to the truly wondrous world the Japanese have constructed. That's why I truly hope that Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter puts a real crimp on WDW, and FORCES Iger and his ilk to part with some real money to make WDW worth visiting again. If Wizarding is a huge success, you can bet Universal will expand it, and then, for the first time, Universal will have a fantasyland equal to Disney's. AND SERVE DISNEY - or rather IGER - RIGHT.

Spokker said...

Is it really true that the people who worked on DisneySea were basically laid off after it was completed?
