Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Hello, Goodbye, How Are Things...

Well Guys the holidays are upon us...

Such a time is busy for anyone and everyone, but for me it has been hard to keep track of the daily duties family life imposes on you.  I was hoping to put a few more posts out before the end, but have only managed one.  I'll hopefully have more time in the new year, but I don't plan any more posting in the new year here.  At least for a while.

That's the bad news.

Now, here's the (somewhat) good news.

I've had an overwhelming outpouring of love from readers and friends alike.  I've even had offers from other sites to write for them.  Surprising messages of support and proposals have been sent that are truly touching.  I wanted to let you know that I have actually accepted an offer to periodically contribute columns from another website that has graciously allowed me to do so at my convenience.

Starting sometime in January I will have columns/articles start appearing on which you will be able to read. is the internet site for Tor Books which focuses in science fiction, fantasy, pop-culture and the site focuses on these and other genres (although I was told that a certain Disney perspective was missing.).  I know many people replied to me that they will miss my opinion/stories/rumors/news and here is your chance to still see them/me again (kinda).  I don't know how often I will post, but I have the freedom to post at my discretion.  And if you like what I post and want more then let the folks over at know.

Hopefully this will be good news to some on you.  It will be a way for you to keep up and in contact with me over the upcoming months.  We may be displaced, but we won't permanently be disbanded as a community of Disney/pop-culture lovers.

With that I will temporarily say goodbye and thank you for all your support...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Six Years Of Dreaming Beyond Imagination...

Six years of posts...

It's hard to believe that it's been that many years.  Over 3200 posts.  Wow.  When I started this website, this blog, it was just with the intention of filling time with one of my many loves.


It has blossomed and become far more than I could've ever imagined. I have met many people because of it. I have experienced the joy of readers literally across the world from it. And I must thank all of you for the enrichment that you have given me.  Over the years I've become friends with many of you, and friendly with most of you, and I wish to thank all of you for your patronage, for your comments, and for your compliments.

Unfortunately, as I've mentioned before sometimes the real world takes precedence. And this is one of those cases. Over the past couple of months it has been very difficult to publish post on a normal basis.  Sadly, I don't see that improving anytime in the near future with personal life tending to take more more of my time.  So it is with that in mind that I have come to a difficult position. One that I don't like, but have chosen nonetheless.

In a few weeks I will be taking a break from Blue Sky Disney for the foreseeable future.   I don't know exactly when it will be that I would return and start posting again; it might be a while.  The website should still be up and you have a vast trove of articles that you can choose to look through for a rumor, history and love of all things Disney, entertainment, and beyond.  If you do have trouble accessing the site simply go to the original site where it all began six years ago: and everything should be fine there.

Hopefully, there are still a few more post to come, but much of what I wanted to write and many rumors and secrets I wanted to reveal will unfortunately have to wait.  I leave you with a collection of work that I've loved, and I hope that you will always love it as well.  I simply want you to know that all of you have my deepest appreciation for every click you have made to create what Blue Sky Disney has become.  I hope to return to writing in the future, but I don't know when that will be and I don't want to make any promises I can't keep.  When will this happen?  I'll give my standard answer.

Time will tell...

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Hey Guys,

Sorry, but the real world is delaying posting right now, and it comes first, sadly.  Articles over the next few weeks will be sporatic, and hopefully will pick up again near the end of the month.  But we've got some great things to talk about, so stay tuned.

Thank you for understanding...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Long Fall...

Fall loves me...

Sorry for the lack of updates, guys...

The real world has came crushing around me and prevented me from entering the Blue Sky universe, unfortunately. Posts will be coming, but intermittently until later this month/next month.

Apologies for the silence...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Be Back 10, 9, 8, 7...

We are experiencing technical life difficulties...

Sorry everyone, but the real world has prevented anything from being posted lately...

Blogging should begin again next week.

Reality permitting...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Knowtz From Afar...

Vacation, la, la, la...

I'll be away for a few days, guys...

Blogging will continue near the end of the week when Comic-Con begins to wreak carnage of geek minds everywhere.

Until then, enjoy your week...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Gone Phishing...

Busy on top secret BSD stuff...

Now, for one more of those drinks with the umbrella in it...
Sorry for the lack of posts Guys...

Honor is enjoying a nice little reprieve between the real world and Blue Sky.

Blogging will begin shorty...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Cloudy With A Chance Of Posting...

Sorry guys, but the weather and server problems have delayed postings...

Blogging should continue shorty.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm A Twit(ter)...

Hopefully, this won't backfire...

Yes, it's official...

I finally gave in after all those messages from people asking me if I'm on Twitter. I wasn't then, but now I am. So if you want to twit or tweet or what have you, then go here. Now leave me alone so I can sleep.

If I could just get Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...