Showing posts with label Video Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video Games. Show all posts

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Origin Of Species...

To lose your parents would truly be a tragedy of unfathomable comprehensions...

Pain and the adversity of dealing with it are something we are drawn to as humanity.  All good drama in life is conflict.  Happy go along to get along makes for boring stories.  This might be one (of many) reason why we are drawn not only to Batman, but his origin as well.

Which explains why the new game; the third game in the Arkham Series, deals with a young Bruce Wayne dealing with the repercussions of a life left off.  A childhood interrupted.  A dark hero being born.  And with the game's release very soon(October 25) we have a new trailer to show us the birth of the Batman.

A very violent birth it is...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pirates of the Caribbean: Black Flag...

I've loved pirate adventures since I was old enough to hold a toy sword...

Honestly, I believe my first experience with pirates was the "Swiss Family Robinson" film with my mom and uncle.  Followed by watching and then reading "Treasure Island" as an adolescent.  The ultimate experience of riding Pirates of the Caribbean in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.  I remember seeing old pirate films on cable growing into my adulthood.

In college I read the screenplay for the remake of "Captain Blood" that was to star Alec Baldwin when he was at right age with the right amount of buzz to star in it.  The adventure and excitement of being a pirate and sailing into the unknown with the chance of finding treasure was so alluring.  An aquatic Indiana Jones type of adventure almost if you think about it.

So when Disney announced that they were going to make a film adaption of their famous attraction I was both excited and worried about how it would turn out.  And when I saw it, I loved it.   I even like the slow, heavy layered story, but visually exciting sequels (the second was good, but overblown, and the third was bazaar and filled with bloated fun, the last one was simply an experiment carried too far in the wrong direction).

And then they began videogame adaptations of the films.

And most of what Disney Interactive came up with was disappointing to uninspired; a collection of mediocrity, with the exception of the Lego game.  It seems all Lego games are fun or at least playable.  From the original Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl for Gameboy to the Pirates of the Caribbean Online game, nothing was inspired, everything was average to unworthy.  With a franchise of so much potential, nothing was worthy of the film(s) they were trying to exploit.

Sounds a bit like Lucasarts with Star Wars doesn't it?

And then there was Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned and Pirates of the Caribbean: Master of the Seas.  Monumental games with hugely ambitious goals.  Put together by teams that were filled with disfunctional supervision and divided goals.  The companies that we're doing these games were not up to the task of such an epic scale.  Studios like Naughty Dog and companies like Electronic Arts should have done these, not the middling companies that Iger acquired as part of his digital strategy (still his greatest error as CEO).

So it looks like we'll never see a great Pirates game.

But it seems we will.  But it's actually not a Pirates of the Caribbean game, and it's not even made by Disney Interactive.  It's made by Ubisoft.  And if you want to see what a POTC game could/should have been, this is it:

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag.

For anyone wanting to see the potential of what could have been, or someday might be, then check out the latest trailer for it.  Or check out the reviews and you'll know that it is possible to make a pirate game worth playing.  And therein, worth purchasing.  Are you watching Disney Interactive?  Here is solid proof that there is treasure out there if you care to find it.

You now have a map to find that treasure...

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Raiders Of Lost Games...

Lucasfilm licensed their Star Wars gaming rights to Electronic Arts recently...

And even though the company is primarily known for that property, and it's primarily why the Mouse bought the company, it's not the only property they are known for.  Kathleen Kennedy was the mover/shaker behind this decision with EA, dispite everyone thinking it was motivated by Iger or Horn.  They did sign off on it, but the decision was hers.

She's the one who initiated the deal for the three games (yes, three) that EA are working on.  But one has to wonder where the deal will go.  Again, Lucasfilm isn't known just for these characters.  Kennedy knows that and wants to expand the brand within the Disney empire over time.  It's one of the reasons she is moving forward with Gary Rydstrom's animated film.  Hopefully somewhere down the line she'll get to work on cultivating more Man in the Hat possibilities.

You all know my long wished dream of an animated series/movies based on George Lucas' inspired hero.  But there are other uses for him. The last decade has shown that Lucasarts didn't know what to do with this property.  "Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings" was a waste of an amazing character and a squandering of time for anyone playing it.  If you wanted to play an Indy game, you had to have a PS3 and you needed to own a copy of  "Uncharted".

I've talked about this before, but if only Naughty Dog were in charge of coming up with a game or series of adventures for the famed archeologist, then we would get the game we've all been waiting for.  Now that Lucasfilm has handed over the rights to their most famous creation, what will they do with their next most famous IP?  Now this is speculation combined with geek dreaming.  I have no knowledge that anything like this will happen.

But what if Kennedy likes what EA is doing?  The direction that the games they're working on could lead to alternative opportunities.  The idea of licensing other properties could be suggested.  Maybe even game designers in the companies many divisions could pitch a form of this to her.  Would it be out line to think that someone at DICE or Bioware wouldn't want to create their own Uncharted?  And with the original character that inspired it?

With teams that have worked on "Battlefield 4" and "Mass Effect 3" with all their talent, couldn't this become a possibility?  How many game developers with the various divisions wouldn't jump at the chance to create a game like that?  Imagine the mythos they would be working with?  The stories could involve old characters on new adventures, recreations of old adventures, or expansions of entirely original stories.  

What about a new game on Raiders of the Lost Ark with expanded story elements, Temple of Doom where you could play as Short Round, or an adventure with Indy finding the Spear of Destiny or the City of the Gods?  The possibilities are endless.

The treasure awaits someone willing to go on the journey...

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Star Wars 3 Battlefronts...

Yes, I know many were disappointed that Battlefront 3 won't be out till 2015…

And from what I hear it will look pretty impressive. But a little news to tide you over till then that just might make you a little happier, that game isn't the only one that Electronic Arts has planned for you.

In fact, they have a couple more plan for you.

They won't be released anytime soon, and they are in an embryonic stage at this time, but there are a total of three games in development at the gaming studio.  The plans are evolving and nothing is set in stone of course, but there are other games already on the fast track. one of them is a space action shooter, and you can guess what that would be about, and the other is currently being developed as a online role playing game.  Neither game is a continuation of any former series, at least as of right now.

So in addition to DICE's Battlefront game, two other development teams are fast at work to give you even more fun with the Force.  Well the details are scarce right now, but plans are for one of these titles to be released early 2016, or late 2016.  That could change, as videogame releases tend to be quite mercurial.  At this time neither game is definitively scheduled to be released before the other, but they are both actively being worked on by game planners and Suits at Lucasfilm.

Yes, even Kathleen Kennedy is providing input on some of these titles.  And I've heard that there is talk of the screenwriters helping out with suggestions as well.  It is unknown right now if J.J. Abrams will have any input, but with his micromanaging of all things Bad Robot it is likely.

It appears that the Force will be with us a lot more than just on the battlefront…

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A Galaxy Far, Far E3...

Very soon we'll know what the direction of the Star Wars universe...

I mean the gaming part of it, of course.  EA will be at E3 next week and the announcement of their plans for the next few Star Wars games are supposed to be announced.  I don't think we'll see any game play as plans they have are still in the early stages.  The only way we'd see something like "Battlefront 3" would be if they had made a deal to acquire the already almost completed game: highly unlikely but not totally out of probability.  But at least we'll have a road map of what is to come.

Expecting artwork and titles isn't entirely out of the question, but the type of game and story that players will be involved in is what EA's head suit, Labels president Frank Gibeau will likely give us the 411 about.  Since it'll be a press briefing for their entire line up, the focus won't be on Lucas Arts/ EA Star Wars as the entire line of games they have coming out.

Still, having that Star Wars license will be something to brag about...

Monday, June 3, 2013


And here we have another game cancellation from the Mouse...

Only it's a game that never was intended to exist.  If you saw "Wreck-It Ralph" last year then you remember the gaming environments that Ralph got to experience.  From the Donkey Kong-like world of Fix-It Felix Jr. that he inhabited, to the Mario Cart feel of the sickeningly sweet world of Sugar Rush, to the Halo inspired world of Hero's Duty.  But there was another gaming world that didn't make the cut.

Extreme Easy Living 2, a fictional game that appears in a scene that audiences never actually saw, it was never actually rendered because it was cut well before that process could begin.  Here you can watch an animatic of the exclusive scene courtesy of Total Film (their exclusive, not ours).  It has a unique charm to it, but I agree with the cut.  It didn't add anything else to the story and would likely have slowed down the story.  Something that really wouldn't work for the ADD minds of the film going audience.

You know, the ones that would actually be the audience to play these games...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

One Against 4...

So Micro$oft introduced their successor to the XBox 360...

And it's not called the XBox 720 like so many gaming geeks expected.  It's called the XBox One.  One?  Really, didn't they already have a one?  That means the fourth version of this will be called, what?  The XBox Two?  Confusing.  I guess they're going back to square one and starting fresh.  So now we know the competition that the PS4 will have.  But could they have made it look better than a late 70's VCR?

But it appears that the guys up in Redmond want to also become like Netflix.  Hulu has tried to be a Netflix competitor.  Amazon has started their own streaming service, HBO has hinted that HBO GO might eventually be a Netflix like service and now, it appears that the XBox Live service plans to have original content as well.  And they've lined up the Babe Ruth of film to start it off.

Steven Spielberg.

And not only him, but the television series that he'll produce for the XBox Live: Halo.  That's right, Halo is finally going to be seen in live-action.  Just as a television show, not a film.  Spielberg will be executive producing the series.  Not much information is available about the show other than the fact that it'll be exclusive to XBox Live.

There are a lot of competing platforms out there competing for your eyeballs.  It's creating an incredible amount of fragmentation in the marketplace.  The result is many more markets with smaller audiences.  Long gone is the night when a network would have fifty percent of the viewing audience.  Today, if you get ten to twenty it's huge.  And it's only going to get more fragmented.  But that means more choice, and choice is good.  And now with XBox One, you have another choice.

And with the Halo series, you'll have another...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Monstrous Year Just Got More Monstrous...

And yet another film joins that year...

And this is one of the few that's not a Disney film.  New Regency and Ubisoft have plugged in Memorial Day, 2015 for the release of their "Assassin's Creed" film.  Hmmmm.  I wonder what other film will likely be out in May of that year?  The film studio is moving ahead with the Michael Fassbender starring game adaptation.

The studio/game-maker studio are moving for forward with production to begin on the film by early next year.  No start date has been announced, but the film, produced by Fassbender as well is being targeted as a tent pole franchise.  The first of many from Ubisoft's film division.  Michael Lesslie is penning the screenplay at this time with supervision by Fassbender himself.

Now, if they only had a director...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Amazing Origins...

A new teaser trailer is for "Batman: Arkham Origins" is out...

It's only a scene from the actual trailer which will premiere on May 20, but it's quite impressive visually speaking.  The footage makes this game look much better than originally thought.  Since this game isn't primarily being overseen by Rocksteady, but instead Warner Bros. Games Montreal, many were wondering about the finished product.

So far, what's been seen is quite beautiful and the Creatives over at Rocksteady are keeping a hand in guiding the story.  That should calm some gamers, although the lack of Paul Dini doesn't question how the narrative will be in this film.  The writer of "Batman: The Animated Series" delivered one of the freshest, most thematically perfect movie experiences ever in a game.  Hopefully, Corey May (Assassin's Creed II & III) and Dooma Wendschuch are up to the job of trying to come close to his story.

Now, about that Justice League game Warner Games is working on...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Playing Games With A Mouse...

Some fans worried about the end of Star Wars gaming with the closing of LucasArts...

But the franchise is too big to be closed down.  There is simply too much opportunity to make money with this universe: and it's a big, big universe.  Kathleen Kennedy has had numerous meetings with gaming companies over the past few months, just as she's had multiple meetings with film makers.  She's entertained a voluminous amount of pitches for films, shows and games.  And now we know who gets to carry on the Lucasfilm gaming legacy.

Electronic Arts.

Lucasfilm and Disney Interactive announce their multi-year deal with EA today:

Electronic Arts Selected for Multi-Year Agreement for the Future of Star Wars Gaming
May 06, 2013

Today it was announced that Lucasfilm Ltd. and Disney Interactive are entering into a multi-year, multi-title exclusive licensing agreement with Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) for the creation of new high quality Star Wars games spanning multiple genres for console, PC, mobile, and tablets.
Industry leaders and creators of best-in-class blockbuster games, the development and publishing teams at EA will collaborate with the creative teams at Lucasfilm to provide audiences with all-new gaming experiences set in the ever-expanding Star Wars galaxy. As part of the agreement, EA studio teams DICE (Battlefield series) and Visceral (Dead Space series) will join BioWare (Mass Effect series, Star Wars: The Old Republic) in the development of newStar Wars games.
"Our number one objective was to find a developer who could consistently deliver our fans great Star Wars games for years to come," said Kathleen Kennedy, President of Lucasfilm. "When we looked at the talent of the teams that EA was committing to our games and the quality of their vision for Star Wars, the choice was clear."
While EA studios will develop for the core Star Wars gaming audience, Disney Interactive will focus on delivering new Star Warsgames for casual audiences on mobile, social, tablet, and online gaming platforms.
"This agreement demonstrates our commitment to creating quality game experiences that drive the popularity of the Star Warsfranchise for years to come," said John Pleasants, co-president of Disney Interactive. "Collaborating with one of the world's premier game developers will allow us to bring an amazing portfolio of newStar Wars titles to fans around the world."
"Every developer dreams of creating games for the Star Warsuniverse," said EA Labels President Frank Gibeau. "Three of our top studios will fulfill that dream, crafting epic adventures for Star Warsfans. The new experiences we create may borrow from films, but the games will be entirely original with all new stories and gameplay."
More information, including titles in development, will be announced in the coming months. Continue to check for updates on the future of Star Wars gaming.

And if you want to see the quality the new games will have then check out the Frostbite 3 gaming engine (warning: NSFW).  This will be the technology they'll be using for the new games.  Imagine this quality of gaming with lasers, light sabers and Sith Lords.  Impressive.

I've always felt that Iger should pursue a similar strategy that he's used in purchasing film companies like Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm when dealing with Gaming.  Instead of going after one of the big companies, he's went for mid-level or lower level companies that have had predictable results.  Perhaps in a few years he or his successor can bring someone like EA into the Disney family and have it under Disney Interactive?  It would certainly be a boost to the one part of the company that seems to continually be flailing behind companies like the Warner Bros.  Warner Games is certainly a much more profitable division of the Bunny than the Mouse's Disney Interactive.

But we have years to go before we get there...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Crafting A War...

Your move...

Man, 2015 is going to be a monster of a year for film...

It looks like the "World of Warcraft" film is moving onto the fast track.  Now known simply as "Warcraft," the film has a new director.  With the departure of Sam Raimi the film was thought to be dead, or at the very least on life support.  And then news came of a new screenwriter being hired.  Charles Leavitt (Blood Diamond) being hired was news that Legendary Pictures still wanted to make this film.

Well, that script must have given the producers confidence in the story, because now they've hired a new director.  He's not as well known as Raimi, but he's gotten a lot of ink based on his previous two films.  Duncan Jones has been hired to adapt the video game into a compelling and cohesive tale that can escape the game adaptation curse.  The film is tentatively scheduled for 2015.  Which, if Episode VII still arrives then, will turn out the most mind blowing year in cinema for geeks.

Now, if they can just get "Starcraft" going...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

To Infinity And Beyond...

Gaming fail...

 The Mouse's most disappointing division is gaming...

The least profitable division after that one is the film studio, and it made a profit in the hundreds of millions.  But not the gaming division.  It suffered a very large loss, and it has been bleeding money over the past four or five years.  It's the one area that the Walt Disney Company hasn't got a grasp on.  Part of it has to do with gaming strategy, and part has to do with the companies that Disney purchased as it tried to buy its success.

That may have worked in film, but it hasn't in gaming.  Mainly, because the companies that it looked into getting weren't of the same caliber in games as Pixar, Marvel or Lucasfilm are in films.  Disney Interactive has been struggling to find a path to that elusive success.  One of the new directions that it's planning on heading is with a new strategy that is the focus point of a game called: "Disney Infinity" that comes out later this year.

It basically lets you blend into different worlds of the Disney empire (Pirates, Animation, etc.), and go on adventures that immerse you in those experiences.  There are plans to spread it out across multiple platforms, and numerous levels.  If you'd like to see what it'll look like, click here.  Of course, this doesn't address all, or most of what is wrong with the gaming division, but it could be a path to profit.  Not the only one, but one.

But Iger and his Suits need to take a look at what he could have bought, and buy them...

Friday, January 4, 2013

Mouse Playing Games With Us...

To infinity and beyond... 

One of the few areas that the Walt Disney Company hasn't had success is gaming...

Unlike Warner Bros. whose success with Warner Games is well known, the Mouse has had trouble making a substantial footprint in this growing arena of entertainment.  The companies that have made up Disney Interactive have failed to leverage the powerful brands at their disposal, or even inspire new franchises, much less innovative game play or improve gaming quality.  Part of that is strategy, and part is simply not having purchased the right companies (a post for another day).

But could Disney have another plan?  A more grand plan?  One that involves not just creating games, but what plays them as well?  And not only that, but could they be working with the Fruit Company?  According to an article on the website Patently Apple, Disney has filed for a patent that just might be tangible proof that they're planning on entering the console gaming field.

Now, it is not an easy field to enter and succeed at.  Microsoft and Sony still report losses on their hardware, but make up for it with their licensing of games for their consoles.  Disney has plenty of properties that they can mine by making exclusive to a proprietary console.  But their games under Disney Interactive have been rather lacking in the potential they have, and the results they've achieved.  I wish Iger would have the same desire to go after gaming companies the way he goes after film properties (Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm, etc.).  There are some excellent companies that could/would be perfect for developing the internal gems that the company has, or has acquired over the past decade (again, a story for another post).

It's been widely known that Iger was having Disney work on some form of gaming initiative known as "Toy Box," but up until now it wasn't thought that it might involve an actual console, or the involvement of Apple.  If it is working on a system of its own, don't expect it to be seen anytime soon; certainly not this year.  Late 2014 would be the earliest you would see a system like this, and I doubt it even then.  It's more likely that anything coming from this project doesn't show up before 2015.

There's that year again...

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Filming Ghosts...

Being a player isn't easy... 

Ubisoft Games is ambitious, there is no doubt...

 After announcing last year that they were starting up their own film studio/production company to develop projects based on their game properties, they quickly set about setting up deals in Hollywood akin to the one Legendary Pictures has with Warner Bros.  Maybe it was the reaction to the adaptation of "Prince of Persia" or simply realizing the potential they had with the content they owned or controlled.  But they started have continually moved forward in the murky swamp known as film development.  Today, they added another property to their list of adaptations.  It's also what I think is the most likely one to make it to film first.  If they attach the right talent, with the right director, writer and actors, then this could be a franchise property: "Ghost Recon"

The series of games based on a Tom Clancy created storyline is something that could make for a compelling action film in a world where a gun being fired needs no subtitle.  They've even made a short film to sell the upcoming "Ghost Recon: Future Soldier" game, an it's definitely not an amateurish undertaking.  But just like "Assassin's Creed" with Michael Fassbender attached to produce and "Splinter Cell" with Tom Hardy set to star, they'll need talent attached to make it a draw for audiences that have never picked up a joy stick.

But if Ubisoft can make a profitable venture of this film, its brand will carry the adaptions of "Assassin's Creed" and "Splinter Cell" to further chances of success.  Perhaps as I stated in my original article about the company's creation of this division, this is the future way for video game films.  Leaving out the studio suits and their mangling of a property just so they can claim its success if it succeeds, or blame it's failure on someone else.  Microsoft has partially tried to do this with Halo, but only half-heartedly.  But there are profits to be made in games, and with games if the right people are put in charge.  Good stories will create good box office.

If only suits will stop playing games...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

More Wreckage...

New box office wreakord...

The new trailer for "Wreck-It Ralph" is out...

It's got more of the story, and explains how the film unfolds in a much better way than the first trailer. Overall, it's an improvement over a good trailer for a very entertaining film.

It's going to be interesting to note that this will be the first year in a long time since a WDAS film did better than a Pixar film. Still, it's fine. They're brothers fighting over who is better.

But they're both family, they're both Disney...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bad Guys Are Better...

Your expectations are going to be wrecked...

With each passing day, more and more info comes out about the Mouse's latest film...

Animated film, I mean. It's hard to believe that it's only a few more months before it comes out. Disney's marketing has been having press events, like the one that was held the other day and giving media some small bits of info about the project. This is where they screened that "Paperman" short I was telling you about. And everyone that saw it, loved it. Just go ahead and give it the Oscar for best animated short. It has it in the bag.

The guys from /Film were at the event and gave us a nice nugget to think over entitled: "50 Things You Didn't Know About Wreck-It Ralph." It's fun and informative so take a look at the article. And get ready for this to be the first year in a while that the Disney film actually beats the Pixar film when the box office is counted.

Yeah, that's what I said...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

More Epicness...

The power of two, three or more systems...

A little note as I head off to San Diego...

I will be attending as many panels as I can, but being as I won't be able to clone myself, there will be several that I don't get to attend. This sadly, is one of them.

Warren Spector is coming to Comic Con this Sunday at 1:00 pm in Room 25 ABC for a panel on his "Epic Mickey 2" sequel. He'll be there with Peter David, award-winning comic writer and author of the upcoming Disney Epic Mickey 2 Graphic Novel and Marv Wolfman, author of the comic book version of the game (and the man that got me reading Teen Titans a kid). Unfortunately I have other plans for that day and can't make it. But if you're going, perhaps you can.

One of the mistakes made on the original was making it only available on the Wii. This time, anyone on any system should be able to play it. And with this, we get to expose the world to more Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Hmmm, could the Mouse be gradually getting the public used to him for an ulterior motive? Something more in the future? Time will tell. If you haven't seen anything about this sequel, take a look at this opening for a bit of story on where the tale continues.

Now, if I was there for the panel, I'd be asking Warren about that Ducktales game he wants to do...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Doing Justice To DC...

No wonder twin powers to activate...

Well, we finally know the new game that Rocksteady Studios is working on...

Late last year when "Arkham City" was released, North London's Rocksteady let slip that they were working on another DC property. Many at the time thought it would be Superman, despite the Suits at RS admitting that they weren't really interested in him. With Paul Dini expressing interest in creating a game based on him, there was hope that this was simply misdirection.

But it was not, and it was.

It appears we will get a video game featuring the Last Son of Krypton, but not in his own game. Since it was acquired by Warner Games/Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, the hot UK gaming studio has been a shining example of what to do with a video game company that you own (Hear that, Bob?). Its detailed stories, immersive environments, complex characters and amazing graphics have helped create anticipation for whatever this video game studio does next.

And next it goes after the big one. Or all the big ones, I guess you could say. Not only will Superman appear in the game, but many of DC's other characters as well. It's a video game based on the Justice League, but involving the origin of the Joker from the thin details we've gotten. It's not clear if this is a game until itself, or an actual sequel/prequel to "Arkham City" instead.

But with the last two games as examples, Rocksteady will have a loyal following ready to line up to purchase this title. Warner Bros. is smart with the marketing/direction of their interactive media. Something the Mouse's Disney Interactive could learn a bit from.

Now all we have to do is wait to play it...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Nerdvana Begins Again...

Get your geek on...

This week, all geeks flock to Mecca, or San Diego as we call it...

Comic-Con 2012 will begin unofficially on Wednesday, and then a horde of geeks/nerds/fanbois will descend on the peaceful, seaside city to extort revenge for many a night of no date, or the low score on their X-Box live account.

But seriously, the world of pop-culture will see the latest films, shows, video games and yes, even comics will be there to be showcased. And I will too. Of course, I won't be able to attend everything, but I do plan on being there to report to you what Blue Sky finds important and relevant. Or at least as much as we can report.

I don't know how many more years I'll keep doing this. I've been going for over a decade, but each year it gets harder and more difficult to handle. It used to be a fun trip to buy back your childhood, but lately it's become a hassle as the crowds have grown. I know that the organizers have signed a deal with the city to keep it there, but unless they expand the convention center soon, and make it so that tickets aren't as hard to get as a rock concert, this may be my last.

Of course, I said that last year. But I still have yet to see the plans the city has for dealing with this and many other problems. If they don't work it out, Anaheim and Los Angeles await. Which are more convenient and have more space, but lack the fun of travelling to the lovely city further south of what is popularly known as Southern California.

Stay tuned for reports on our perceptions of what happens when "Man of Steel" finally gets a look at by the ones that really care. As well as that film about Hobbits and such. Maybe even a thing or two about superheroes (even Marvel superheroes). If you see a guy in a large gray trench coat with a red hat... that won't be me.

Sneakers, jeans and T-shirt are my modus operandi...

Birth Of The Grid...

For the Users...

Thirty years ago today...

In one of the most memorable times in film history, the Summer of 1982, a movie was released that would be groundbreaking, innovative, frustrating and ultimately disappointing. But, it would go on to have cult status, and develop a following that would eventually lead to books, comics, artwork, maquettes, models, toys, video games, a sequel, a prequel television show and many, many other offsprings.

The original "Tron" was released on this day thirty years ago. It presented a world most people had never thought of, and many had no understanding of. But it helped create dreams, it helped expand dreams and it helped grow new ones.

With all the focus on the new television show (which is great, btw), it appears that the Mouse has a new found understanding and care for this property and its potential. And if all goes well, Alan Horn will give a green light to TR3N by the end of the year or the beginning of the next.

It's about time to go back to the Grid...