Your privacy is our policy. We do not use cookies, web bugs, or any other similar tracking mechanisms.

When you make a connection to our server, the time as well as your IP address is entered into the server logs (a default function of the web server). We will only use this information, and specific information such as successes or failures accessing content on the website, to improve everyone's access to the website (and to find and fix problems on the website, such as missing graphics files), and to collect aggregate statistics, such as how many times pages were accessed by all users.

Updating various programs. When you run the LiveUpdate or Check for Updates features of our various programs, we do not send any personally identifiable information to the server.

The update programs simply download a file from our server that contains information on the latest available updates. Then, if newer updates are available, the updating programs will fetch the latest files. No personally identifiable data is sent to us during this process.

External links. We do not have control over the content served by third-parties, or on third-party sites which we link to (often for informational purposes).

We recommend that you view the privacy policies for any third-party sites.
