Showing posts with label reporting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reporting. Show all posts

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Exception Invalid reporting query INVALID_PREDICATE_ENUM_VALUE ACTIVE

UPDATE: Here is a note from the AdWords Scripts team on the topic.

A few days ago, I started getting a bunch of errors from my scripts that looked like this:
Exception: Invalid reporting query: INVALID_PREDICATE_ENUM_VALUE: ACTIVE

If anyone else is seeing this issue, it has to do with an update to the reporting API. Previously, ACTIVE used to be a valid enum value for CampaignStatus, which was always sort of an anomaly since everything else used ENABLED. It has been updated to match the other Status values but in the process, broke any script that was using the ACTIVE status. Here is an example:
    var query = ['select',cols.join(','),'from',report,
                 'where CampaignStatus = ACTIVE',
                 'and AdGroupStatus = ENABLED',
                 'and Status = ACTIVE',
                 'during','TODAY'].join(' ');
This should be changed to:
    var query = ['select',cols.join(','),'from',report,
                 'where CampaignStatus = ENABLED',
                 'and AdGroupStatus = ENABLED',
                 'and Status = ENABLED',
                 'during','TODAY'].join(' ');

I am trying to go back and update my previous scripts but it might take some time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Figuring Out When Your Ad, AdGroup, Keyword, or Campaign Was Created

Knowing when an Ad (or entity) was created is impossible using scripts. That information is simply not tracked in AdWords. The next best thing is to find out when your Ad first started receiving impressions and assume that is when it was created (If an Ad is created but no one sees it, does it really exist?).

So in order to help me keep track of when my Ads entities were created, I put together the following script to apply labels to my Ads entities with the date of the first impression. That way, I can find out what ads entities I created and make sure I don't take action on anything that is too young. I can also make changes to all the ads entities built on a given day relatively easily in the AdWords UI by just selecting the right label.


* Track Entity Creation Date
* Version 1.4
* Changelog v1.4
*  - Removed apiVersion from reporting call
* Changelog v1.3
*  - Updated script to handle all entities
* Changelog v1.2
*  - Fixed an issue with comparing dates
* ChangeLog v1.1
*  - Updated logic to work with larger accounts
* Created By: Russ Savage
//All my labels will start with this. For example: Created:2013-05-01
var LABEL_PREFIX = 'Created:';
var DAYS_IN_REPORT = 30;
var ENTITY = 'ad'; //or adgroup or keyword or campaign
function main() {
  //First we get the impression history of our entity
  var ret_map = getImpressionHistory();
  //Then we apply our labels
//Function to apply labels to the ads in an account
function applyLabels(ret_map) {
  var iter;
  if(ENTITY === 'campaign') { iter = AdWordsApp.campaigns().get(); }
  if(ENTITY === 'adgroup') { iter = AdWordsApp.adGroups().get(); }
  if(ENTITY === 'ad') { iter =; }
  if(ENTITY === 'keyword') { iter = AdWordsApp.keywords().get(); }
  while(iter.hasNext()) {
    var entity =;
    var id = entity.getId();
    if(ret_map[id]) {
      var label_name = LABEL_PREFIX+Utilities.formatDate(ret_map[id], AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
//This is a helper function to create the label if it does not already exist
function createLabelIfNeeded(name) {
  if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+name+"'").get().hasNext()) {
//A helper function to find the date days ago
function getDateDaysAgo(days) {
  var the_past = new Date();
  the_past.setDate(the_past.getDate() - days);
  return Utilities.formatDate(the_past,AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),"yyyyMMdd");
//A helper function to compare dates.
//Copied from:
function diffDays(firstDate,secondDate) {
  var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000; // hours*minutes*seconds*milliseconds
  return Math.round(Math.abs((firstDate.getTime() - secondDate.getTime())/(oneDay))); 
function getImpressionHistory() {
  var API_VERSION = { includeZeroImpressions : false };
  var first_date = new Date('10/23/2000');
  var max_days_ago = diffDays(first_date,new Date());
  var cols = ['Date','Id','Impressions'];
  var report = { 
  var ret_map = {};
  var prev_days_ago = 0;
  for(var i = DAYS_IN_REPORT; i < max_days_ago; i+=DAYS_IN_REPORT) {
    var start_date = getDateDaysAgo(i);
    var end_date = getDateDaysAgo(prev_days_ago);
    var date_range = start_date+','+end_date;
    Logger.log('Getting data for ' + date_range);
    var query = ['select',cols.join(','),'from',report,'during',date_range].join(' ');
    var report_iter =, API_VERSION).rows();
    if(!report_iter.hasNext()) { Logger.log('No more impressions found. Breaking.'); break; } // no more entries
    while(report_iter.hasNext()) { 
      var row =;
      if(ret_map[row['Id']]) {
        var [year,month,day] = (row['Date']).split('-');
        var from_row = new Date(year, parseFloat(month)-1, day);
        var from_map = ret_map[row['Id']];
        if(from_row < from_map) {
          ret_map[row['Id']] = from_row;
      } else {
        var [year,month,day] = (row['Date']).split('-');
        ret_map[row['Id']] = new Date(year, parseFloat(month)-1, day);
    prev_days_ago = i;
  return ret_map;

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Store Keyword Performance Report In Amazon S3

It's been a few weeks since my last post about putting data into Amazon S3, and in it, I mentioned that you could use it to store keyword performance reports for multiple AdWords Accounts in a single place. Here is an updated version which does exactly that. It combines my previous post about storing AdWords Account Performance Report in a Google Spreadsheet (with some changes of course).

Also, with this post, I will start versioning all of my scripts so that you can be sure you always have the latest version.


// Store Keyword Performance Report in Amazon S3
// Created By: Russ Savage
// Version: 1.0

function main() {
  var date_str = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),'yyyy-MM-dd');
  var file_name = 'adwords_keyword_perf_'+AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId() + '_' + date_str+'.csv';

function putDataToBucket(bucket,file_path,data) {
  var auth_options = {  
    method : 'PUT',
    base_url : "http://" + bucket + "",
    s3_bucket : bucket,
    path : file_path,
    headers : { 
       "Date" : getDate(),
       "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  var auth_string = generateAuthString(auth_options);
  auth_options.headers["Authorization"] = auth_string;
  var options = {
    method : auth_options.method,
    headers : auth_options.headers,
    payload : data
  return (UrlFetchApp.fetch(auth_options.base_url+auth_options.path, options).getResponseCode() == 200);

function generateAuthString(url) {
  var string_to_sign =  getStringToSign(url);
  var signature = getSignature(SECRET_KEY,string_to_sign);
  return "AWS" + " " + ACCESS_KEY + ":" + signature;

function getSignature(SECRET_KEY,string_to_sign) {
  return  Utilities.base64Encode(

function getStringToSign(url,params) {
  var method = url.method;
  var date = url.headers.Date;
  return method + "\n" + "\n" + 
    url.headers['Content-Type'] + "\n" +
    date + "\n" + 

function getCanonicalizedAmzHeaders(url) {
  var ret_val = "/" + url.s3_bucket;
  ret_val += url.path;
  return ret_val;

function getDate() {
  return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),"GMT", "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss +0000");

function getKeywordPerformanceReport() {
  var date_range = 'LAST_7_DAYS';
  var columns = ['Date',
  var columns_str = columns.join(',') + " ";
  var report_iter =
    'SELECT ' + columns_str +
    'DURING ' + date_range, {
      includeZeroImpressions: false,
      apiVersion: 'v201302'
  var ret_data = '"' + columns.join('","') + '"\n';
  while(report_iter.hasNext()) {
    var row =;
    var row_array = [];
    for(var i in columns) {
    ret_data += '"' + row_array.join('","') + '"\n';
  return ret_data;

Friday, May 3, 2013

Put AdWords Data to Amazon S3 Using Scripts

I'm not sure about you, but writing all these scripts is putting me on Google Spreadsheet overload. With the release of the ability to access any of the AdWords reports, the data quickly starts to get unwieldy. Once things get over a few thousand rows, I much prefer to use Excel or store and manipulate data in a database.

So I was looking for other ways to get data from an AdWords report out of the scripts world and I thought of Amazon S3. Amazon offers a RESTful API through their Amazon Web Services that allows you to store and retrieve large amounts of data from the cloud. I figured I could use them to store some CSV files of account/campaign/keyword performance for downloading or processing later, maybe by another script or software.

The script below tries to encapsulate all the logic required to build and authorize a proper S3 put request. I followed the documentation found here.

To get started for free, sign up for Amazon S3 here and find your access and secret keys here:

Next, create a new S3 bucket to hold all your data through the AWS console. Fill in the details below and try a test file. Ideally, you would combine this with one of the other AdWords reporting scripts found here to start storing your data in the cloud.

NOTE: This is a very specific set of functions which represent the bare minimum required information to PUT a file to Amazon S3. For more information, please check out the full Amazon S3 Docs.


// Put Data To Amazon S3
// Created By: Russ Savage

function main() {
  var date_str = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),'yyyy-MM-dd');
  var file_name = 'adwords_keyword_perf_'+date_str+'.csv';
  putDataToBucket(S3_BUCKET,'/'+file_name,'this is where the data from an AdWords report would go.');

function putDataToBucket(bucket,file_path,data) {
  var auth_options = {  
    method : 'PUT',
    base_url : "http://" + bucket + "",
    s3_bucket : bucket,
    path : file_path,
    headers : { 
       "Date" : getDate(),
       "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  var auth_string = generateAuthString(auth_options);
  auth_options.headers["Authorization"] = auth_string;
  var options = {
    method : auth_options.method,
    headers : auth_options.headers,
    payload : data
  return (UrlFetchApp.fetch(auth_options.base_url+auth_options.path, options).getResponseCode() == 200);

//Generates an AWS Auth String
//For more info, see the AWS docs -
function generateAuthString(url) {
  var string_to_sign =  getStringToSign(url);
  var signature = getSignature(SECRET_KEY,string_to_sign);
  return "AWS" + " " + ACCESS_KEY + ":" + signature;

//Generates an AWS Signature
//For more info, see the AWS docs -
function getSignature(SECRET_KEY,string_to_sign) {
  return  Utilities.base64Encode(

//Generates an AWS string to sign
//For more info, see the AWS docs -
function getStringToSign(url,params) {
  var method = url.method;
  var date = url.headers.Date;
  return method + "\n" + "\n" + 
    url.headers['Content-Type'] + "\n" +
    date + "\n" + 

//Generates the Canonicalized Amazon Headers (not really)
//For more info, see the AWS docs -
function getCanonicalizedAmzHeaders(url) {
  var ret_val = "/" + url.s3_bucket;
  ret_val += url.path;
  return ret_val;

function getDate() {
  return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),"GMT", "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss +0000");

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Store Account Performance Report in a Google Doc

Day 2 and I'm still playing around with the new reporting API. I figured I'd post something that people started asking a little about from my previous post about Storing Account Level Quality Score which is storing all account level performance in a spreadsheet.

All you need to do is create a brand new Google Doc to store your data and paste that url into the script. The first time the script runs, it will create column headings. You can add, remove, or rearrange columns as you like by moving the column names around. You should reset your spreadsheet after doing this though.


* Store Account Performance Report in a Google Doc
* Version 1.1
* Changelog v1.1 - Removed apiVersion, Removed get spreadsheet
* Created By: Russ Savage
function main() {
  var spreadsheet_url = "Your Spreadsheet Url Goes Here";
  var date_range = 'YESTERDAY';
  var columns = ['Date',
  var columns_str = columns.join(',') + " ";
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheet_url).getActiveSheet();
  if(sheet.getRange('A1:A1').getValues()[0][0] == "") {
  var report_iter =
    'SELECT ' + columns_str +
    'DURING ' +date_range).rows();
  while(report_iter.hasNext()) {
    var row =;
    var row_array = [];
    for(var i in columns) {

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Store Search Query Performance Report in a Google Doc

Well, I promised you that once the AdWords Scripts team had fixed the issue with the reporting API that I would start adding some examples. Thankfully they fixed it today because I wanted to start playing with the Search Query Performance Report.

This report will give you all the user search queries for your broad match keywords. Normally, you have to log in and manually generate the report each day. But with AdWords scripts, you can start storing all of that data into a Google Spreadsheet so that it is easier to work with.

So today I have a simple script that will store the search query report and send you an email reminding you that it's ready. All you need to do is fill in the url from an existing Google Doc that you have access to with the same log in as your AdWords account, and set the email addresses you want to send a notice to, and you should be all set. There is also a flag to determine if you want to ignore exact and exact (close variant) matched keywords from the results, which I recommend.


* Store Search Query Perf Report in Google Doc
* Version 1.1
* CHangelog v1.1 - Removed apiVersion, Updated formatting
* Created By: Russ Savage
var IGNORE_EXACT = true;
var TO = ["",""];
var SPREADSHEET_URL = "your spreadsheet url goes here";  

function main() {
  var columns = ['AccountDescriptiveName',
  var columnsStr = columns.join(',') + " ";
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(SPREADSHEET_URL).getActiveSheet();
  var reportIter =
    'SELECT ' + columnsStr +
      includeZeroImpressions: false
  while(reportIter.hasNext()) {
    var row =;
    if(IGNORE_EXACT && row['MatchType'].indexOf('exact') >= 0) { continue; }
    var rowArray = [];
    for(var i in columns) {
  for(var i in TO) {
    MailApp.sendEmail(TO[i], "Search Query Report Ready", SPREADSHEET_URL);

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Issues With The New Reporting API

Like many of you, I've been trying to sink my teeth into the new reporting functionality that was recently added to the AdWords scripts late last week.  Unfortunately, I've been getting errors even when I use the sample code given in the API. If anyone has been having the same issues, there is a thread on the forums where you can wait for the AdWords Scripts team to resolve the issue.  As soon as it is resolved, I'll start posting some sample code.  I have been working on an auto trafficking of user queries script that is pretty cool.
