MSI CX640 Back to School Laptop

Mobile/Laptops & Netbooks by leeghoofd @ 2011-08-30

Where are the days that you couldn't afford a decent laptop ? And when laptops where just for bussinessmen, not for pleasure. Not even imaginable that you would have to buy one just to study at school. Things have changed, in fact they have changed a lot. Partly due to the extreme growth of the world wide web, fast internet and wireless access, gaming,... School Books and towers of papers are a thing that soon will be part of a museum. Most school courses at highschool are downloadable in Acrobat or alike formats via their intranet. Ofcourse to have access some schools advise you or even oblige you to buy a laptop. Some of them suggested laptops cost heaps of money, even though some are quite good deals for the specifications. Main point is, most are overspecced or priced accordingly. This is where MSI want's to target the CX640 laptop at. Being affordable, thus no longer for the parents required to sell vital organs, yet still offer some nice specifications without too much bling bling. Let's see what MSI has got to offer to the youngsters or elderly that want a laptop, to be used used for school purposes or just plain basic laptop usage.

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more features, the inside


High end recessed speakers are used, allowing a quite enjoyable sound experience. The numerous function keys can also be spotted. 4 modes can be quickly selected via the Function keys : Gaming, entertainment, Office and Battery saving mode If you look closer on the right picture you will see the Time Stamp logo. When pressed above, the three little green leds light up.






What it all boils down to is that the Timestamp function allows you for a quick backup of your systems image. Look at it as a quick windows restore function not by Windows our aftermarket software. Advantage is that it is pretty quick, though not always so fast as the marketing slides show you.


It's pretty easy to use and could be a life savour in case of a virus or sortlike.

Another data protection option is MSI's Rock -Solid protection. No need for extra explenation, the below image tells it all.




On the inside we spot the two beefy heatpipe coolers, one for the CPU and one for the dedicated Nvidia 520M GPU. The two 2Gb dimms of DDR3 can be swapped for 2 times 4 Gb dimms.





The Wireless RF is of the Atheros 802.11 B/G/N type, allowing for fast transfer of packets to and from the internet. Storage is provided by a S-ATA 500Gb Hitachi drive. More than appropriately sized and silently spinning at 5400RPM. The battery is an  10.8 volt 4400 mAh one. An 8 cell battery is optional for more power and extra battery duration.






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