MadShrimps Meeting Maart [MMM]

Others/Miscelleneous by jmke @ 2002-04-01

Report of the Madshrimps meeting on 12th March 2002. With sponsoring of Wallabie we were able to give it a try.. a try to get the highest 3Dmarkscore. But not everything went as planned...

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Introduction GF3


On a chilly Sunday in March we decided to occupy Gamer's house for a few hours, the purpose of all this was to achieve one of the highest 3DMark scores. A silly starting point, but any reason will suffice when there is booze to be drunk!
First of all we would like to thank Wallabie for giving us the opportunity to experiment with this hardware! The whole PC was delivered to us by Wallabie ! Many thanks go out to them for making this possible! We also got 2 Peltiers, 172Watt for the CPU and 80Watt for the GPU (vidcard). Our expectations were quite high since these pelts were to be used in Gamer's home-brew water cooling which uses a Porsche radiator!

We encountered a skilled Solder-boy through our local forums, who handles his solder pen like it was his own light sabre! We invited him to join us that afternoon.

his weapon:

this solder pen works on gas and is very easy to use!

Geforce 3 Ti 500

With the information we found on this site Anthroplast began his work...

Here you see him trying to figure out why he has so many hair on his head.. or maybe not :)

This chip was to be sacrificed first, even with a steady hand it is a hard job to do.

The result is quite astonishing.

The 2nd chip had to be modded with 2! resistors, but no problem for Mr. Anthroplast -> Congratz!


We ended up with this voltmodded GF3 Ti500

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