Primecooler PC-HDB SuperSilent passive HDD Cooler

Cooling/VGA & Other Cooling by piotke @ 2004-04-13

RRRrrrzzssttttrrrrcccrrrr, that?s the beginning of the end. Hard disk failure. Then you go check the temperature of your hard disk... Arf ! This could have been avoided. Today madshrimps is testing a Hard disk cooling solution, which might extend the life span of your disks.

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Hard disks, nowadays the prices of these little components have come down a lot. Instead of archiving data onto CD/DVD people are just adding more HD’s to their system. 200gb of extra storage can provide you with enough room for the next years to come.

But then the inevitable happens. A hard disk crash. The IBM 60/70 GXP Deskstar (better know as Deathstar) stopped working when temperature rose to high. To avoid these problems in the future it might be wise to add some extra cooling to your system.

Today I’m testing the PC-HDB(P) passive hard disk cooling from Primecooler. They also send me their optional Primecooler PC-HDB2(BS) active 5.25” bay cooling solution.

I’ll be monitoring the temperature from my hard disk by using the built-in S.M.A.R.T. monitoring tool. Which can be read from with-in Windows using a nifty utility called SpeedFan.

Specifications of the products:

External appearance Length : 172mm Width : 144mm High : 43mm Fan detail Dimensions : 40 x 40 x 20 mm Rated Voltage : 12 V DC Rated Speed : 4500 RPM Bearing Type : One Ball Color: Black fit any 5.25 drive bay of PC case Maintain hard disk drive reliability and data integrity under extreme heat

Official PrimeCooler site.


Madshrimps (c)

The boxes were kind of soft, and caused the internals to move about quite a lot. A studier cardboard box would prevent this from happening.
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