Data storage

  1. Your PIN, elogbook username and elogbook password are all stored encrypted in the iPhone keychain. They can only be accessed by the Mobile eLogbook app.
  2. The hospital number, date of birth, and any free text fields are encrypted using AES256 before being stored.
  3. The AES256 encryption key is also stored in the iPhone keychain and is only accessible to the Mobile eLogbook app.
  4. No patient data remains on the device once operations have been uploaded to the server.

Data transmission

  1. Data transfer between the app and the servers is over a secure encrypted connection.
  2. No patient or operation data will be transmitted to any destination other than servers.
  3. The app may transmit your device id, elogbook username, app version, subscription status and expiry to NR-IT servers for the purpose of managing subscriptions and gathering usage statistics.