Popular Item Filters

Item filters can be used to customise the item labels, colours, sounds and effects of dropped items, allowing for a personalised aesthetic and feel.

You can view popular item filters below. To use one, simply click on the filter name and then click the Follow button. You should then be able to select the item filter available in-game (Options --> Gameplay).

Rank Filter Name Account Platform Game Type Followers Copies
1 NeverSink-1regular-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 643,762 160,854
2 NeverSink-2semistr-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 496,723 38,894
3 NeverSink-3strict-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 485,507 39,446
4 NeverSink-4verystr-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 415,792 19,257
5 NeverSink-5uberstr-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 336,571 10,683
6 NeverSink-6uberplu-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 261,299 5,969
7 NeverSink-0soft-softcore NeverSink PC Normal 141,819 3,496
8 3.25 RF Campaign Filter 1-80 Pohx PC Normal 90,694 39,791
9 AAAACaster Tytykiller PC Normal 71,597 9,946
10 AAAARanged Tytykiller PC Normal 54,726 4,646
11 AAAAMelee Tytykiller PC Normal 54,442 4,512
12 Bows 1 Early Crouching_Tuna PC Normal 34,384 11,231
13 NeverSink-0soft-hardcore NeverSink PC Normal 29,026 522
14 NeverSink-1regular-hardcore NeverSink PC Normal 26,838 1,076
15 AAA Loot Filter NG Alex728GT PC Normal 24,461 5,080
16 NeverSink-2semistr-hardcore NeverSink PC Normal 23,126 555
17 T17 Filter fubgun PC Normal 22,425 4,962
18 3.25 RF Lvl 80 HIDES NON ARMOUR GEAR Pohx PC Normal 21,896 4,171
19 NeverSink-3strict-hardcore NeverSink PC Normal 20,741 390
20 Wreckers SSF Filter for Everyone Wrecker_of_Days PC Normal 18,789 5,160