Code of Conduct

The Path of Exile forums and in-game chat are for civil, constructive discussion of the game.

Posts or names that are deemed to breach these guidelines may be edited or removed at GGG’s discretion, and the player’s forum or chat access may be restricted. A probated player is not allowed to post on any alternate accounts to circumvent this restriction.

Please do not:

Make hateful or needlessly negative comments

Discuss inflammatory topics, such as Politics or Religion

Personally attack or cause harm to the reputation of others

Antagonise others in an obnoxious manner

Disrupt forum or chat use for others

Reference explicit or illegal material

Impersonate Grinding Gear Games staff

Please see our Terms of Use for more information.

If you are experiencing problems of any kind or would like to discuss our guidelines, please contact our Customer Support team at
Last edited by Sarah on Jun 5, 2019, 9:12:38 AM
Last bumped on Oct 20, 2015, 8:56:27 AM

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