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The Art and Literature of the Viking Age and Medieval Scandinavia

  • Bibliography of Sources for Viking Age Art. A beginning bibliography of books and articles discussing art, design, and crafts in the Viking Age as well as a sampling of "picture books" showing some of the best surviving works of the Viking artisans.
  • Viking poetry. Can you explain the different types of Viking poetry?
  • The Beasts of Battle: Raven, Eagle and Wolf. Amplification of Meaning In Germanic Poetry Through the Use of the Beasts of Battle Theme
  • Women and Magic in the Sagas: Seiðr and Spá Were there witches in the Viking Age?
  • Carved Ivory Caskets and Reliquaries of Early Northern Europe A look at some ivory caskets of the Viking Age, and a modern one in a similar style.
  • Viking Beads and Necklaces Glass beads and necklaces were an important item of wealth and display in the Viking Age.
  • Viking Tattoos Although we have scant records of tattooing in the Viking Age, here is the evidence for tattooing among the Rus.
  • Runes and Writing What types of runes were used in the Viking Age? How would one go about creating an SCA award scroll for a Viking or medieval Scandinavian persona?
  • The "Uniped" in the Saga of Eirk the Red A look at the Einftingur, the one-legged beast from Eiríks saga rauða and how it exists within the genre of the wonder stories of medieval travelers.
  • The Raven Banner of the Vikings An examination of the literary and art-historical evidence for the famous Raven Banner of the Vikings.
  • Heraldry for a Non-Heraldic Culture: Vikings and Coats of Arms in the SCA The Vikings did not use heraldry, which was an invention of Western Europe beginning in the eleventh century. Still, people in the SCA with Viking personas often wish to create and register devices and coats of arms, and this guide is intended to assist them in creating designs with a recognizably Viking feel yet which still conform to the much later usages of formal heraldry.
  • Viking Age Woodworking Working in wood was one of the most important crafts of the Viking Age, and resulted in many of the most famous works of art that survive. Learn about tools, types of wood, finishing, and carving.
  • Viking Age Music A look at the musical instruments of the Viking Age, with some ideas about how Viking music might have sounded.
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