GSD Healthcare

GSD Healthcare

المستشفيات والرعاية الصحية

Dubai، Dubai ٥٬٧٤٠ متابع

The Healthcare of Tomorrow, Today, for Everyone.

نبذة عنا

Gruppo Ospedaliero San Donato (GSD) is the largest private hospital group in Italy, and one of the largest in Europe. Its owns and manages 19 hospitals, three of which are internationally known academic centers of research, has over 5000 hospital beds and more than 4000 specialist doctors. Its hospitals and clinics see over 4.3 million patients each year! In Dubai, GSD has created an office to promote medical knowledge, health and well-being, and runs medical training courses for healthcare professionals from the whole GCC and Middle Eastern Region to provide high quality, accredited education in a multitude of medical, surgical and healthcare management topics.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
المستشفيات والرعاية الصحية
حجم الشركة
١١- ٥٠ موظف
المقر الرئيسي
Dubai, Dubai
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص
تم التأسيس
general surgery، orthopaedics، gynaecology، cardiology، immunology، neurology، urology، dentistry، internal medicine، training، و stem cells

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في GSD Healthcare


  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    A sleeve gastrectomy procedure associated with plastic surgery to prevent or eliminate gastroesophageal reflux problems common among obese patients, both before and after 'traditional' bariatric surgery. It is called sleeve gastrectomy with 360° anti-reflux plastic surgery or Rossetti-Sleeve and was developed almost 10 years ago by Professor Stefano Olmi and his team. The 'traditional' sleeve is associated with a rate of post-operative esophageal reflux ranging from 10% to 30%. The mechanisms through which sleeve gastrectomy can contribute to developing or worsening gastroesophageal reflux are different. Among these: • anatomical alterations: the volumetric reduction of the stomach can alter the normal function of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), reducing its ability to prevent reflux • increased intragastric pressure: decreased stomach capacity can increase intragastric pressure, facilitating reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus • changes in gastrointestinal motility of the stomach and esophagus, contributing to reflux • hiatal hernia: The presence of an uncorrected hiatal hernia during sleeve surgery can promote acid reflux • excess gastric fundus: an excess of the residual gastric fundus can promote food stagnation and the consequent gastric acid reflux” Before performing a sleeve gastrectomy, especially in patients with symptoms or signs (esophagitis) of gastroesophageal reflux, it is important to always perform an esophageal manometry. “This test allows us to see the pressures and motility of the esophagus and the cardiac valve (lower esophageal sphincter). In the presence of low cardiac valve pressure and poor esophageal motility, performing a traditional sleeve gastrectomy is not advisable due to the high risk that the reflux will worsen after the operation. In patients affected by morbid obesity associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and/or hiatal hernia, therefore, as an alternative to the gastric bypass which is usually indicated, in our opinion the best solution is represented by the sleeve with anti-reflux plastic (modified sleeve gastrectomy). Furthermore, the sleeve with anti-reflux plastic can also be useful in patients who, although not having reflux symptoms before the operation, could develop them later. In fact, it has been widely demonstrated by numerous scientific articles that the incidence of reflux and esophagitis after a sleeve with anti-reflux plastic tends to be reduced to 1% with better results than gastric bypass. At our Bariatric Surgery Center, sleeve gastrectomy with associated laparoscopic anti-reflux plastic surgery has been performed for approximately 9 years with excellent results in over 800 patients. #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #hospitals #innovation #doh #research #gastrectomy #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    Ulcerative colitis is a medical condition characterized by persistent inflammation of the colon. Treatment for this form of the disease focuses on biological molecules that, unfortunately, are effective in less than 50% of patients, especially for patients with severe disease. A new international, multicenter phase 2 study (ARTEMIS-UC), published in the prestigious international journal New England Journal of Medicine, conducted in 14 countries in with collaboration the Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (MICI or IBD) of the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele directed by Silvio Danese, head of the Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit and full professor of gastroenterology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, offers new hope for those affected by the disease. ARTEMIS-UC tested the efficacy of tulisokibart, a monoclonal antibody targeting the cytokine-like tumor necrosis factor 1A (TL1A) and its receptor (DR3), considered key mediators of inflammatory bowel disease, in patients with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis. Two groups of subjects dependent on corticosteroids or sharing an inadequate response to conventional therapy approved for ulcerative colitis were first selected: the first group enrolled patients based on a positive genetic diagnostic test (Dx), designed to identify subjects predisposed to a better response, while the second group enrolled subjects regardless of the test. In both trials, involving 43 and 135 patients respectively, a total of 75 subjects who tested positive for genetic testing were treated and it was found that a higher percentage of Dx-positive patients treated with tulisokibart achieved clinical remission, with: • At the twelfth week of treatment, overall, a greater percentage of patients receiving the drug achieved clinical remission compared to placebo (26.5% vs 1.5%) • At week 12, a greater percentage of the 75 dx-positive patients treated with the drug achieved clinical remission compared to placebo (31.6% vs 10.8%) "This treatment could represent a definitive solution for the many patients who struggle daily with the symptoms of this disease, without finding relief in conventional therapies. Furthermore, the study presents another great innovation: thanks to preventive genetic tests, we can personalize the treatment by identifying the subjects most likely to respond positively to the drug, marking a revolution in the future medicine." The MICI Center of the San Raffaele Hospital is a point of reference in Italy for treating Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as a model of care and translational research. It follows approximately 5,000 patients who are taken care of with a multidisciplinary approach for a timely and personalized management of all situations that require specific support.

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    The IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi—Sant'Ambrogio, a point of reference for athletes of all levels and disciplines, thanks to a complete offering in cardiology, orthopedics, and rehabilitation, announces a new partnership with Alcione Milano, the third team of the Lombard capital currently in Serie C. This collaboration aims to guarantee excellent healthcare assistance to the club's athletes, with a focus on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pathologies related to sports activity. “We are thrilled about this collaboration with Alcione Milano, a historic and ambitious reality in the Milanese football scene - declares Roberto Crugnola, CEO of the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio. Our goal as a hospital is to provide athletes of all levels and disciplines with the highest quality medical care, using the latest technologies to treat and prevent injuries. Being a partner of a team of professionals allows us to consolidate our role of orthopedic and cardiological excellence in the field of sports medicine.” Giacomo Gagliani, General Manager of Alcione Milano, also expressed satisfaction with the agreement: “The partnership with the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio was born from the need to have a medical facility ready to quickly accommodate all our requests, particularly in the diagnostic field for the first team. At the same time, it aims to provide a medical reference point for all the more than 400 families that make up our youth sector.” Thanks to this partnership, the IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio will offer Alcione Milano athletes diagnostic imaging services at a dedicated rate and will be available to carry out medical visits and personalized treatments, as well as rehabilitation programs to support their sports and health needs. #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #hospitals #innovation #doh #research #athleteshealth #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    Distinguishing influenza from other respiratory viruses is essential for a correct diagnosis. The actual influenza manifests itself with specific symptoms: • A sudden onset of fever above 38°C • At least one respiratory symptom (cough, runny nose, red eyes) • At least one general symptom such as muscle and joint pain In contrast, other viral forms, such as rhinovirus, cause only colds or milder symptoms. COVID-19, on the other hand, presents itself transversally compared to other viruses and can cause various symptoms, from mild to severe. Although the COVID-19 pandemic is now in the endemic phase, the virus continues to circulate: we have already observed an increase in COVID-19 cases and we know that this virus follows cycles of 4-6 months. The good news is that thanks to vaccinations and hybrid immunity from vaccinations and previous infections, COVID-19 is no longer the same, but it remains a dangerous disease for the frail, just like the flu. Thus, at-risk individuals must continue to be tested if they experience respiratory symptoms. In case of positive results, it is possible to administer an antiviral drug specific for Sars-CoV-2 infection which can avoid serious complications. Prevention is the key and the flu vaccine is recommended. Likewise, it is important to consider vaccination against COVID-19, especially for those belonging to the most vulnerable categories. 5 Rules for Dealing with Flu Season: 1. Common sense: Be careful of temperature changes, use masks in case of symptoms or in the presence of fragile subjects, and hand hygiene. 2. Flu and Covid vaccination: recommended especially for frail and elderly subjects. 3. Responsible self-medication: It is important to take over-the-counter medications only when prescribed by your doctor or pharmacist, without overdoing them in an attempt to completely eliminate symptoms. Improper use of medications can slow down healing and increase the risk of complications. 4. A COVID-19 test is recommended for frail and elderly subjects with symptoms so that they can take a specific antiviral drug. 5. Say no to the abuse of antibiotics: 99% of respiratory infections are caused by viruses, not bacteria #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #hospitals #innovation #doh #research #Influenza #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    The most common causes that lead to knee replacement surgery are osteoarthritis and inflammatory diseases, among which rheumatoid arthritis stands out. Osteoarthritis is typically a degenerative disease caused by wear and tear linked to abnormal and excessive rubbing of the articular cartilage. Still, it is often also linked to genetic predisposition or continuous overloading of the joint (overweight and heavy work) and can also be the consequence of trauma. In rheumatoid arthritis, joint destruction occurs due to an autoimmune process that affects the joint membranes and subsequently leads to the disappearance of the cartilage with a final result completely similar to that which occurs in osteoarthritis.   While once the knee was demolished to insert the prosthetic device, today a lot has changed. The new hi-tech prostheses are conservative coverings that offer the advantage of being revised much more easily. A total or partial prosthesis can be performed or even a mini prosthesis can be opted for, depending on the wear of the joint components. The choice of opting for a specific solution is given by several variables at the surgeon's discretion: the extent of the damage, the age, the weight of the patient, and the fact that the knee may have a more or less correct axis. Thanks to this type of surgery, it is possible to replace a painful and functionally limited joint due to wear or trauma, restoring an almost completely normal function. It is indicated for all those, young (often following major trauma) and elderly, who have a knee that is no longer efficient and with a limitation of the quality of life. A viable option when there are no alternatives, is that the prosthesis improves the quality of life of a person who has severe pain and limitations. Still, it does not restore to a seventy-year-old the potential of a young person. #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #hospitals #innovation #doh #research #KneeProsthesis #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    Gruppo San Donato is among the winners of the 2024 edition of the Best Italian Hospitals Awards. Now, in its third edition, the publishing initiative by Class Editori, which celebrates the national health and social sector, has awarded Gruppo San Donato and its facilities in important categories for quality and performance. The awards were presented at the awards ceremony, held on Thursday 26 September 2024 at the Institute for the Blind in Milan. For 3 years in a row, Gruppo San Donato, among the top European hospital groups and the first in Italy, has confirmed its position among the top places in different categories of excellence in the healthcare sector, winning 6 awards. At the Best Italian Hospitals Awards 2024, Gruppo San Donato was awarded 1st place in the private groups of Excellence category. Significant awards were also given to individual hospitals. Specifically, the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele obtained: • 1st place in the Cardiology Center of Excellence category • 2nd place in the Oncology Center of Excellence category • 3rd place in the Policlinico di Eccellenza category IRCCS Galeazzi – Sant'Ambrogio won 1st place in the Orthopedic Center of Excellence category. Finally, for IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, 1st place was achieved in the Digital Excellence category. The Best Italian Hospitals Awards are assigned based on a ranking built through a rigorous and multi-parametric evaluation system validated by an Advisory Board, made up of nationally renowned experts in the academic, management, and medical-scientific fields. These prestigious awards are the result of the first Italian editorial initiative that recognizes the performance of hospitals, highlighting the strategic importance of centers of excellence in the national context, and recognizing the highest representatives for Italian structures. #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #hospitals #innovation #doh #research #BestItalianHospitalsAwards #Awards #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    This year, San Raffaele Hospital and San Raffaele Turro Hospital, San Donato Polyclinic, and Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio Hospital confirm their presence in the 'World's Best Smart Hospitals 2025' and 'World's Best Specialized Hospitals 2025' rankings drawn up by Newsweek magazine, in collaboration with the online research platform Statista. The ranking identifies the best hospitals in the world by specialty and is drawn up considering the evaluations of 40,000 experts, the international accreditations and certifications acquired by the hospitals, and the implementation of Patient Reported Outcome Measures, which evaluate patients' perception of their health and quality of life. The specialist fields considered are cardiology; cardiac surgery, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, pulmonology, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, orthopedics, and urology. Here are the specialties for which the Gruppo San Donato hospitals have been indicated among the best-specialized hospitals in the world: • San Raffaele Hospital: Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Endocrinology, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Neurology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Urology • Policlinico San Donato: Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery • Galeazzi Hospital - Sant'Ambrogio: Orthopedics Among the first 350 hospitals in 28 countries equipped with smart technology, 21 facilities are Italian. With its digitalization, technology, and telemedicine background, the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan ranks 64th. The ranking is based on a global survey of healthcare professionals, as well as assessments of facility technology use and Joint Commission International accreditation. Factors considered include: • The Ability to Make Use Of The Most Advanced Technologies • The Use of Artificial Intelligence • Robotic Surgery • Telemedicine • The Presence of Digital Services #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #hospitals #innovation #doh #research #WorldsBestSmartHospitals #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة GSD Healthcare ، رسم بياني

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    The sixth summit of Ecam – European Council for Africa and the Middle East – the global dialogue platform created to promote communication, economic connections, peace, and stability, took place in New York on the occasion of the seventy-ninth General Assembly of the United Nations. Heads of State and Government, representatives of the UN, and the European Union came together to discuss healthcare as a fundamental right, the green transition, education, research, and agro-industry. The event, organized and coordinated by the President and founder of Ecam, Kamel Ghribi, was attended, among others, by the heads of Botswana, Uganda, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire and Mauritania, the WHO, the Unitec Arab Emirates, NYC, the United Nations, the UN Economic Commission for Africa; high representatives of the United Nations, the European Union, and other international organizations. In his introductory speech, Kamel Ghribi said: “Today is one of those days in which my faith in global dialogue and multilateralism is strengthened. After years since the foundation of ECAM and so much commitment, today a new confirmation: it was worth it! This is the right direction to follow so that the world can become safer and more equitable”. The works, in which the President of the San Donato Group, Angelino Alfano, took part and spoke, were concluded by the Secretary General of ECAM, Ambassador Ettore Sequi. #Dubai #UAE #abudhabi #dha #health #grupposandonato #healthcare #mohap #saudi #ehsuae #gsd_healthcare #GSDHealthcare #GKSD #hospitals #innovation #ECAM #africa #Rome #NewYork #ecamcouncil2024 #صحة #ج_س_د_هيلثكير #وقاية #تميز #دبي #ابوظبي #السعودية #الصحة #مستشفى #ايطاليا #مجموعة_سان_دوناتو

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