The LightHouse Arabia

The LightHouse Arabia

رعاية الصحة النفسية

We are a community out-patient mental health and wellness center providing quality psychological and psychiatric care.

نبذة عنا

The LightHouse Arabia is a leading center for wellbeing in Dubai, UAE that provides outpatient mental health services. We offer the full range of psychology and psychiatry services for children, adolescents, and adults, as well as coaching and assessment services for corporations. TLH is licensed as a polyclinic through the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and the Community Development Authority (CDA). Our team is UK, U.S., Europe, Australia, and South Africa trained, and licensed as clinical/counseling psychologists and consultant psychiatrists through the DHA and CDA. For information about our services, visit our website: For information about job postings and working at The LightHouse, visit our website or follow our LinkedIn Showcase Page - The LightHouse Jobs.

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
رعاية الصحة النفسية
حجم الشركة
١١- ٥٠ موظف
المقر الرئيسي
شركة يملكها عدد قليل من الأشخاص
تم التأسيس
Couples Counseling، Grief Counseling، Anxiety/Depression Counseling، Assessments، Eating Disorder Counseling، Anger Management، Addiction Counseling، Corporate Services، Psychoeducation، Therapy، Media Services، Parenting، Child & Adolescence Therapy، Mindfulness، CBT، Psychiatry، Coaching، Speech and Language Therapy، Occupational Therapy، Mental Health First Aid، و Grief and Loss

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في The LightHouse Arabia


  • أعاد The LightHouse Arabia نشر هذا

    عرض ملف Rebecca Carter الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Somatic and Trauma Informed Counsellor at The Lighthouse Arabia

    What if? How will I know? How can I prepare? But it happened before? What can I do? What if it happens again? I’m sure these sound like very familiar questions.. or should I say, familiar anxieties. When my clients begin to ask questions like this I gently invite them to pause, take a breath and repeat to themselves “be where my feet are”. It’s a simple mantra, but what I love about it is that it almost instantly gets you back into your body and in the present moment. The mind is so clever at seducing us into the worries of the future and fears of the past in an attempt to regain control, but this is unhelpful and creates so much more fear and worry! Next time you notice yourself in that endless spiral, I want you to look down at your feet, press your toes into the ground, take a deep breath and be exactly where your feet are! Take a look around, notice all is well in this very moment & you are okay 🤍 The LightHouse Arabia 🤍 IG: soulworkwithrebecca

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    عرض ملف Anna White الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Sr Occupational Therapist, Director of Corporate and Workplace Services & Mental Health First Aid UAE at The LightHouse Arabia

    Thank you Jayesh Nikam for the kind words and for organizing such a fantastic session at Landmark Group facilitated by The LightHouse Arabia. I'm honoured to have had the opportunity to share insights on Coping With Anxiety with your team. Your team's participation and enthusiasm truly made this event special. Together, we can continue to prioritize mental health and wellbeing in our workplaces. Remember, taking care of our mental health is a continuous journey, and seeking support is a sign of strength. #MentalHealth #AnxietyCopingStrategies #WorkplaceWellbeing #LandmarkGroup

    عرض ملف Jayesh Nikam الشخصي، رسم بياني

    A Gen Z aspiring business leader | HR Expert | Future Forbes Top 30 under 30 leaders |

    🌟 Webinar Recap: Coping with Anxiety 🌟 What an incredible session we had today at Landmark Group with Dr. Anna White, Sr. Occupational Therapist Corporate & Workplace Services and Mental Health First Aid UAE, Director.  Over 1000+ employees joined us from across territories and got some insightful learnings. A big thank you to everyone who joined our enlightening session on coping with anxiety. Dr. White delivered a wealth of knowledge, offering practical and empowering strategies to manage anxiety effectively. From enhancing self-awareness to leveraging mental health resources at work, her insights will undoubtedly make a positive impact on our well-being. Key Takeaways: ✅ Self-Awareness: Understand your anxiety triggers and responses.   ✅ Coping Techniques: Practical tools to manage anxiety in daily life.   ✅ Mental Health Resources: Importance of utilizing available support systems. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. White for sharing her expertise and to all participants for their engagement. Remember, taking care of our mental health is a continuous journey, and seeking support is a sign of strength. 🌟 Special thanks to Shalini Vohraa, Anubha Sharma and the entire team for their invaluable support in making this webinar a great success. #MentalHealth #AnxietyManagement #WorkplaceWellness #HR #WebinarRecap #ProfessionalDevelopment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة The LightHouse Arabia، رسم بياني

    ٢١٬٣٣١ متابع

    The LightHouse is one of the first and longstanding mental health clinics in the UAE and it has led the way in raising awareness, destigmatizing mental health, and shaping the mental health services in the country. 🇦🇪 From the start, we have had a vision for transforming mental health in the region and beyond, anchored in impeccable service, professional development, and deep community involvement. Our team of mental health professionals carries out our vision and mission, so we only select top clinicians worldwide who share our vision, standards, and values. If you feel you would be an asset to our clinical team of experienced psychologists (of all concentrations) and psychiatrists, you can send your CVs to: #DiscoverYourLight #nowhiring #careeropportunities #jobposting #jobhunt #jobopportunity #jobseekers #jobapplications #jobinterview #jobopeningalert #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthfirstaid

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  • أعاد The LightHouse Arabia نشر هذا

    عرض ملف Jayesh Nikam الشخصي، رسم بياني

    A Gen Z aspiring business leader | HR Expert | Future Forbes Top 30 under 30 leaders |

    🌟 Webinar Recap: Coping with Anxiety 🌟 What an incredible session we had today at Landmark Group with Dr. Anna White, Sr. Occupational Therapist Corporate & Workplace Services and Mental Health First Aid UAE, Director.  Over 1000+ employees joined us from across territories and got some insightful learnings. A big thank you to everyone who joined our enlightening session on coping with anxiety. Dr. White delivered a wealth of knowledge, offering practical and empowering strategies to manage anxiety effectively. From enhancing self-awareness to leveraging mental health resources at work, her insights will undoubtedly make a positive impact on our well-being. Key Takeaways: ✅ Self-Awareness: Understand your anxiety triggers and responses.   ✅ Coping Techniques: Practical tools to manage anxiety in daily life.   ✅ Mental Health Resources: Importance of utilizing available support systems. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. White for sharing her expertise and to all participants for their engagement. Remember, taking care of our mental health is a continuous journey, and seeking support is a sign of strength. 🌟 Special thanks to Shalini Vohraa, Anubha Sharma and the entire team for their invaluable support in making this webinar a great success. #MentalHealth #AnxietyManagement #WorkplaceWellness #HR #WebinarRecap #ProfessionalDevelopment

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  • عرض صفحة منظمة The LightHouse Arabia، رسم بياني

    ٢١٬٣٣١ متابع

    Dr. Saliha Afridi, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, Chairwoman & Founder, of The LightHouse Arabia, discusses how to stay true to yourself in a world filled with endless outside pressures, both online and off. “The solution for not getting swayed by social media pressures is not to totally avoid social media, but instead, to confidently navigate it with a clear sense of who you are. And yes, who you are and what you like will change as you go through life, which is why it is so important to have an ongoing relationship and that inner dialogue with yourself. One way to begin this dialogue and understand yourself is to explore your values. Values are often handed down to us from culture, family, community, religion, education, and now social media. But then there are also our personal values, the ones we choose for ourselves. Materialism, for example, is a value, and so is kindness and generosity; and we get to choose which values we will live by. One quick way to do an assessment of your own values is to think about what you did last week – those are your lived values. Did you spend time with loved ones? Did you give yourself or your money to others? Did you work all day with no consideration for your health? Did you stand up for your colleague when she was being bullied? We can claim to have a lot of positive values but in the final analysis, it is only the values we live day-to-day that define who we are.” Harper's Magazine #DiscoverYourLight #StayTrueToYou #SelfAwareness #ValueBasedLiving

    Staying True to Yourself Amidst Social Pressures

    Staying True to Yourself Amidst Social Pressures

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    عرض ملف Abeer Khan الشخصي، رسم بياني

    Journalist | Rosalynn Carter Journalism Fellow

    Expat fathers, or men in general, often come to the UAE in pursuit of better economic opportunities. All of them live far away from what they call home, and a majority cannot afford to bring their families and support systems with them. The men often face a range of mental health consequences, according to Dr. Suresh Wadhwani, consultant psychiatrist at The LightHouse Arabia.   “These can be particularly acute for those from cultures where family and community are central to emotional and social well-being, such as in the UAE and similar regions,” he said.   One expat sharing his story is a #Filipino father who has been living and working in the UAE for 17 years. Rodel says he feels incomplete as a father because he has essentially never been able to live together in the same country as his two daughters – including through the time when his eldest was diagnosed with #cancer at the age of five. *** The second story from my project on the mental health of expat fathers in the UAE is now on Al Arabiya English. It has been published with support from The Carter Center as part of the Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism. Through interviews with working #men in the #UAE from a diverse racial and economic background, I hope to chart a narrative of personal heterogeneity in experience and bring out broader patterns of areas where #mentalhealthawareness thrives and those where it lacks. I know that there is a plethora of experiences, both pleasant and uncomfortable, that people carry with themselves as #expatriates – and I think a discussion on #mentalhealth is an effective vessel to bring those #stories out. If you are someone who wishes to share your story, please connect.

    Long-distance fatherhood: A Filipino expat’s story of his daughter’s cancer diagnosis

    Long-distance fatherhood: A Filipino expat’s story of his daughter’s cancer diagnosis

  • عرض صفحة منظمة The LightHouse Arabia، رسم بياني

    ٢١٬٣٣١ متابع

    مركز لايت هاوس أرابيا، المركز الرائد في مجال الصحة النفسية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، يبحث حاليًا عن اثنين من مساعدي النفسانيين للإنضمام إلى فريقنا في دبي :الشروط والمؤهلات الوظيفيّة مواطن دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة (أساسي) إجادة الكتابة والتحدث باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية (أساسي) حاصل على درجة البكالوريوس في علم النفس (أساسي) دراسات عليا في علم النفس أو مجال آخر ذي صلة (مرغوب) خبرة في العمل في خدمات الصحة النفسية (مرغوب) نظرة عامة عن الوظيفة: تاريخ البدء: 2 سبتمبر 2024 وظيفة بدوام كامل (40 ساعة في الأسبوع) أيام العمل: من الاثنين إلى الجمعة أو من الأحد إلى الخميس مدة العمل: سنتان، مشروطة بمراجعات مُرضية للأداء فترة التجربة الأولية: ستة أشهر الإجازة: 30 يومًا سنويًا (الإجازة محدودة خلال فترة التجربة) الراتب: يتم مناقشته أثناء المقابلة إذا كنت تعتقد أن لديك المؤهلات للإنضمام لفريقنا، يُرجى إكمال طلب التوظيف في الرّابط التّالي آخر موعد لتقديم الطلبات: الجمعة، 26 يوليو 2024. عن لايت هاوس أرابيا لايت هاوس هو من العيادات الرائدة في مجال الصّحة النّفسية في الإمارات العربية المتحدة، حيث قاد الطريق في زيادة الوعي  وإزالة الوصمة عن الصحة النفسية وتطوير خدمات الصحة النفسية في البلاد. منذ البداية، كان لدينا رؤية لتحويل الصحة النفسية في المنطقة العربية وخارجها، تتركز على خدمة العملاء المثالية والتطوير المهني، والمشاركة العميقة في المجتمع.  ينفّذ فريقنا من الاخصائيين في الصحة النفسية رؤيتنا ومهمتنا، لذا نختار أفضل الأطباء والمعالجين الذين يشاركون رؤيتنا ومعاييرنا وقيمنا. #عالم_نفس #توظيف #توظيف_عالم_نفس #وظيفة_عالم_نفس

  • عرض صفحة منظمة The LightHouse Arabia، رسم بياني

    ٢١٬٣٣١ متابع

    If someone in your life was struggling with their mental health, would you know what to do? What to say? When it comes to mental health, knowing how to respond to a crisis can make all the difference.That’s why The LightHouse Arabia delivers the internationally recognized Mental Health First Aid. Whether you’re a caregiver, friend, or just someone who wants to make a difference, Mental Health First Aid can equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to help support someone who is struggling. This course is ideal for *People managers *HR professionals *Community leaders *Clergy *Educators *Healthcare providers (doctors, nurses, administrators) *Parents *University students *Anyone interested in learning more about mental health. Age: 18+ -— Join our next group: Date: Thurs.25th & Fri.26th of July Time: 9.30 am - 2.30 pm (10 hours total) Investment: AED 1,595 per person + 5% VAT Register: (link in bio) * Participants who successfully complete the training to become MHFAiders will receive a certificate of accreditation and an accreditation card valid for three (3) years. * Attendees must collect the printed manual from TLA in advance of the training or arrange for it to be delivered. *We are now issuing 6.55 CME/CPD credit points from the DHA along with this certification for those interested. -—— Who Facilitates The MHFA Training: The training is delivered by team members from The LightHouse Arabia. All clinical or counseling psychologists have received their education and training in the USA, UK, Europe, South Africa, and Australia. #DiscoverYourLight #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthfirstaid #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthadvocate

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