"Excited to share our latest collaboration success with Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana 🤝, supporting youth in improving their skills and engaging in practical experiences. 🎓 #Collaboration #Youth #ProfessionalDevelopment 💼🎓 #Partnership #StudentSupport
Founder | Business & Innovation Consultant | Researcher | Project Proposal Writer | Ph.D Candidate & Lecturer
Another winning project. 😇 🇦🇱🇩🇪 Very happy to contribute again to the success of Albanian VTIs, that are accepted for funding by the generous Regional Challenge Fund. 💪🏻 Congratulations to Universiteti Metropolitan Tirana and all consortia partners! AtraX NOA.Financojme FED invest kreatx OTP Bank Albania #projectproposalwriting #successfulproject #regionalchallengefund #RCF #WesternBalkans #dualeducation