photoset with 3,070 notes

SEPTEMBER 2020 by @amelylinaa

  • basegame compatible
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • !!! swatch previews were taken without any maps, only textures = this is how they look in game !!!
  • follow my T.O.U

DOWNLOAD (patreon, public - 20.09, simsdom)


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photoset with 881 notes

JULY 2020 by @amelylinaa

  • basegame compatible
  • teen-elder
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • follow my T.O.U

DOWNLOAD (patreon, public - 15.07)


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photoset with 1,858 notes

June 2020 pt.2 by @amelylinaa

  • basegame compatible
  • teen-elder female
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • follow my T.O.U

DOWNLOAD (patreon, public - 6.07)


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photoset with 565 notes

Maya top by @amelylinaa

Hey! It’s 8th of June in my timezone which means that It’s my BDay today :D. Here is a small present that I’ve prepared for you guys to celebrate this. I also just wanted to thank each and al of you for the AMAZING support I’ve recieved throughout all the time I’ve been in this community <3  Every single ask you sent, every single comment you write means a <b>WORLD to me, and I suppose I can never express how actually grateful I am to have such supportive and lovely followers . Love you all to the moon and back! (●'◡'●)

  • basegame compatible
  • teen - elder female
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • follow my T.O.U


photoset with 1,011 notes

June 2020 pt.1 by @amelylinaa

  • basegame compatible
  • teen-elder male
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • follow my T.O.U

DOWNLOAD (patreon, public - 14.06)


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photoset with 758 notes

May 2020 pt.2 by @amelylinaa

  • basegame compatible
  • teen-elder male
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • follow my T.O.U

DOWNLOAD (patreon, public - 29.05) 


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photoset with 758 notes

May 2020 pt.2 by @amelylinaa

  • basegame compatible
  • teen-elder male
  • all LODs
  • HQ compatible
  • high poly
  • shadow & normal map
  • follow my T.O.U

DOWNLOAD (patreon, public - 29.05) 


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