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Android O
Improving urban GPS accuracy for your app
Improving urban GPS accuracy for your app

07 December 2020

Posted by Frank van Diggelen, Principal Engineer and Jennifer Wang, Product Manager At Android, we want to make it as easy as possibl...

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Double Stuffed Security in Android Oreo

20 December 2017

Posted by Gian G Spicuzza, Android Security team Android Oreo is stuffed full of security enhancements. Over the past few months, ...

Welcoming Android 8.1 Oreo and Android Oreo (Go edition)
Welcoming Android 8.1 Oreo and Android Oreo (Go edition)

05 December 2017

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering At Google for India this Monday, we announced the final release of Android 8.1 Oreo. Android ...

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Working with Multiple JobServices

05 October 2017

Posted by Isai Damier, Software Engineer, Android DA Working with Multiple JobServices In its continuous effort to improve user experien...

Introducing Android 8.0 Oreo
Introducing Android 8.0 Oreo

21 August 2017

Posted By: Dave Burke, VP of Engineering After more than a year of development and months of testing by developers and early adopters (th...

 What’s new for shortcuts and widgets in Android O
What’s new for shortcuts and widgets in Android O

28 July 2017

Posted by Gloria Liou, Associate Product Manager Intern Why use shortcuts and widgets? One of our favorite features in Android O is...

Developer Preview 4 now available, official Android O coming soon!
Developer Preview 4 now available, official Android O coming soon!

24 July 2017

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering As we put the finishing touches on the Android O platform, today we're rolling out Develop...

Android O APIs are final, get your apps ready!
Android O APIs are final, get your apps ready!

08 June 2017

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering Three weeks ago at Google I/O, we announced the second developer preview of Android O along wi...

What’s New in Android: O Developer Preview 2 & More
What’s New in Android: O Developer Preview 2 & More

17 May 2017

Posted by: Dave Burke, VP of Engineering With billions of Android devices around the world, Android has surpassed our wildest expectation...
