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Android Q
Gesture Navigation: A Backstory
Gesture Navigation: A Backstory

08 August 2019

Posted by Allen Huang and Rohan Shah, Product Managers on Android UI One of the biggest changes in Android Q is the introduction of ...

Final Beta update, official Android Q coming soon!
Final Beta update, official Android Q coming soon!

07 August 2019

Posted by Dave Burke, VP of Engineering We’re just a few weeks away from the official release of Android Q! As we put the final poli...

 What’s new for text in Android Q
What’s new for text in Android Q

11 July 2019

Posted by Florina Muntenescu , Android Developer Advocate Displaying text is an important task in most apps, so in Android Q we'r...

 Capturing Audio in Android Q
Capturing Audio in Android Q

03 July 2019

Posted by Don Turner , Developer Advocate for Android Media In Android Q there's a new API which allows applications to capture ...

Wide Color Photos Are Coming to Android: Things You Need to Know to be Prepared
Wide Color Photos Are Coming to Android: Things You Need to Know to be Prepared

20 May 2019

Posted by Peiyong Lin, Software Engineer Android is now at the point where sRGB color gamut with 8 bits per color channel is not enoug...

Fresher OS with Projects Treble and Mainline
Fresher OS with Projects Treble and Mainline

08 May 2019

Posted by Anwar Ghuloum, Engineering Director and Maya Ben Ari, Product Manager, Android With each new OS release, we are making effor...
