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A rare voice box transplant helped a cancer patient speak again

A Massachusetts man can speak again after surgeons removed his cancerous voice box and replaced it with a donated one, a pioneering move. Marty Kedian is only the third patient in the U.S. ever to undergo a larynx transplant — the first with active cancer — and one of a handful worldwide.

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Young gay Latinos are seeing a rising share of new HIV cases

A KFF Health News and Associated Press analysis found more than half of areas targeted by federal money in recent years saw HIV rates increase for Latinos while decreasing for other racial and ethnic groups. Fernando Hermida is among them. (AP Video: Laura Bargfeld)

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How to navigate the end of your pet’s life

As an end-of-life care veterinarian, Dr. Lisa Walling considers both pet and owner to be her patients. She makes sure animals are as comfortable as possible in their final days and helps humans through the difficult decision of knowing when it’s time to say good-bye. (AP Video: Mary Conlon)

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How pharmacy closures are hurting rural and urban communities

Drugstores have become bigger sources of care in recent years, sometimes by design or necessity — especially where hospital closures stretch resources thin. (AP Video/Shelby Lum)

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Service dogs helped ease PTSD symptoms in US military veterans, researchers say

Specially trained service dogs helped ease PTSD symptoms in U.S. military veterans in a small study that the researchers hope will help expand options for service members.

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Can pink noise enhance sleep and memory? Early research drives a color noise buzz

White noise is frequently used to mask background sounds and it now has competition. There’s a growing buzz around pink, brown and green noise and their theoretical effects on sleep and concentration. (AP Video: Laura Bargfeld; production: Shelby Lum)

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Righting racial injustice in kidney transplants

Jazmin Evans had been waiting for a new kidney for four years when her hospital revealed shocking news: She should have been put on the transplant list in 2015 instead of 2019 _ and a racially biased organ test was to blame. (AP Video by Tassanee Vejpongsa; Production by Shelby Lum)

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U.S. health officials drop 5-day isolation time for COVID-19

U.S. health officials say Americans with COVID-19 no longer need to stay in isolation for five days. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed its longstanding guidance on Friday. People can return to work or regular activities if their symptoms are mild and improving and it’s been a day since they’ve had a fever. (AP Video/Christine Nguyen)

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A pacemaker for the brain helped a woman with crippling depression. It may soon be widely available

Researchers are testing deep brain stimulation as a treatment for people with a severe form of depression. Doctors compare it to a pacemaker for the brain. It involves implanting electrodes in the brain, which are attached to a device placed under the skin in the chest. (Feb. 21)(AP Video: Mary Conlon)

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As cancer treatment advances, patients and doctors push back against drugs’ harsh side effects

Cancer patients and doctors have ignited a movement to radically change how new cancer drugs are tested to make them more tolerable. (Feb. 6) (AP Video by Christine Nguyen/Teresa Crawford)

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Crib videos offer clue to mysterious child deaths, showing seizures sometimes play a role

Crib cameras are offering a clue to a rare but devastating tragedy -- when seemingly healthy young children suddenly die in their sleep and autopsies can’t tell why. (Jan. 4)(AP Video/Shelby Lum)

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Volunteer medical students provide health checks to Chicago migrants

A group of medical students in Chicago spend their Saturdays providing street medicine for the growing number of migrants. They’re mostly students from Chicago universities and visit places where the new arrivals are living. (Nov. 2) (AP video: Melissa Perez Winder)

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Pilot program at historically Black college aims to address racial inequities in organ donation

Medical students at Meharry Medical College are getting hands-on training in organ donation and transplant. It’s a novel program at the historically Black college that aims to increase doctors of color in the field and improve patient trust. (Oct. 24) (AP Video: Kristin M. Hall)

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