Privacy Policy

We take your data seriously at, heres how:

  1. Introduction

    1. Welcome to the Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) Website, ("Website"). We believe you deserve the utmost respect when it comes to the security and use of your Personal Information, so we have described our Privacy Policy as clearly as possible in the summary below.

    2. This Privacy Policy seeks to provide you with information on how personal information is defined, collected, maintained, used and retained on the website.

    3. We collect only the minimum required information from You at Sign Up to create and maintain your account:

      1. Your name and surname for addressing you on our website and emails.

      2. Your email address for use as your user name

      3. A password to restrict access to your account - one way encrypted.

      4. A security question and answer to allow you to change your password and prove ownership of your account. Your answer is one way encrypted.

    4. We do not collect or store your payment card information and rely on our payment partner Paypal to implement the security around the storage of your payment information.

  2. Definitions

    1. "Client" means a user of the Website, who wishes to procure the services provided by Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio);

    2. “Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio)” means Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio), (which may also be referred to as "Us, Our, We") and which for purposes of any disclaimer and for indemnity includes its appointees, directors, shareholders, employees, subcontractors and/or agents and successors-in-title;

    3. "Personal Information" means any information that identifies or relates specifically to You and includes Your personal information, for example, your name, contact and address information. In short, any information that We know about You, will be regarded as Your Personal Information;

    4. "Website" means;

    5. "User/s" means any person accessing any part of this Website and may also be referred to as “You, Your or Yourself”.

  3. Your consent

    1. By submitting Your details and/or using our Website you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to the use and disclosure of Your Personal Information in the manner described below. If You object to any of the potential uses described in this Privacy Policy please don’t register on Our Website to apply for Our Services.

  4. Security and Confidentiality

    1. We understand the value of Your Personal Information and therefore will take all reasonable steps to protect Your Personal Information from loss, misuse or unauthorised alteration. Your Personal Information is stored in databases that have built-in safeguards and firewalls to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of that information.

    2. We recognise the need for appropriate protection and management of the personal information you share with us. We protect that information using secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology and by limiting employee access on a need-to-know basis. We store data in encrypted form on computers and control access via secure web pages.

    3. Our security systems meet or exceed industry standards and We are constantly monitoring internet developments to ensure Our systems evolve as required. We also test our systems regularly to make sure Our security mechanisms are up to date.

    4. Finally, We are subject to data protection laws, which We comply with from a best practice point of view. Being a small operation you accept that this is a best effort and continually improving. Your personal information is secure and we do not store or use payment card information. We are partnered with PayPal to ensure that your payment information is secure.

  5. Use of information collected

    1. We may process, transfer and disclose Your information for the purposes of:

      1. providing You with products or services, and complying with the Your instructions;

      2. compliance with laws and public duties;

      3. to assist in improving Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) services;

      4. in the interests of security and crime prevention as may be required by law;

      5. providing You with information via your opted in channels about Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) products or services from time to time; and

      6. analysis in order to assess and improve Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) business or the business of any of its associated companies.

  6. Data collection

    1. In addition to the Personal Information You submit, We may collect information about Your computer including, where available, your IP address, operating system, screen type and dimensions and browser type for presentation and system administration.

    2. This is statistical data about browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual. We may also obtain information about Your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on the hard drive of Your computer. Cookies enable Us to improve Our service to You, estimate Our audience size and usage patterns, store information about Your preferences and recognise You when You return to Our site.

    3. We primarliy use cookies to store your screen dimensions and capabilities for image presentation.

    4. You can set Your web browser to refuse cookies, but if You do this You may not be able to enjoy full use of the site and You may not be able to take advantage of certain promotions We may run from time to time. Please note that third parties who advertise on Our site may also use cookies, but We do not have access to, or control over them and therefore cannot take responsibility for them.1

    5. If we do not have access to cookies, images will be presented in standard definition.

  7. Personal Identification Number (ID)

    1. When You use our Website and the services provided by Us, You may be given an access number, user name, password and/or personal identification number (ID). You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy and confidentiality of Your user name, access card, password and/or personal identification number (ID).

  8. Sharing your data for service provision

    1. We may share the data You submit or that We collect with third parties involved in the process of providing the products and services You may request, i.e. PayPal. We have trusted relationships with these carefully selected third parties. All service providers are bound by contract to maintain the confidentiality and security of Your Personal Information and are restricted in their use thereof as per this Privacy Policy.

  9. Electronic Communications and Transactions

    1. We also voluntarily subscribe to the best practice principles, which govern your right to having Your Personal Information kept private. We briefly outline these principles below:

    2. We will only collect, collate, process and store ('use') your Personal Information with Your permission as set out in this Privacy Policy, unless legally required to do so, and will only use such information for the lawful purpose for which it is required as set out in this Privacy Policy.

      1. We hereby disclose in writing, the specific purpose for which we use, request and store Your Personal Information. We will also keep a record of that Personal Information and the specific purpose for which we have used it.

      2. We will not use Your Personal Information for any purpose, other than that which we disclosed to You herein, unless You give Us Your express permission to do so, or unless We are permitted/required to do so by law.

    3. We will disclose Your Personal Information without Your consent:

      1. if We are required to do so by law or a court order;

      2. if disclosure is in the public interest;

      3. if disclosure is in the Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) interest;

      4. with Your implied consent. We have sent a specific communication to your registered email address about a new purpose for using Your data to which you have not responded.

    4. You understand that you have the option to opt out of any mailing list maintained by Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) for commercial and marketing communications. You can do this by logging into your account and opting out or sending us an email from your registered email address.

  10. Selling and disclosing your data to third parties

    1. We will not sell your data without first giving notice and gaining your consent, express or implied, except for (3) below.

    2. We may transfer your data to hand picked, industry specific third parties by Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) who may use it to contact You by email or other reasonable method in relation to offers they/we feel might interest you, whether or not we enter into an agreement with You.

    3. By clicking the “I Accept” box, You hereby agree that We may disclose Your Personal Information:

      1. In the event We sell or buy any business or assets (in which case We may disclose Your Personal Information to the prospective seller or buyer of such a business or assets)
        If Our business or substantially all of its assets are acquired by a third party (in which case Personal Information held about customers will be one of the transferred assets)

      2. If We have a duty to disclose Your Personal Information in order to comply with a legal request, or in order to enforce any of Our terms and conditions.

  11. Contact from Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio) and third parties

    1. As part of the registration process, We ask You whether We or any of Our partners may contact You about Our products and services by email (or other reasonable method). If You ticked “yes” but no longer wish to receive such communications, please visit the My Account page, login and change Your communication preference at any time, or follow the instructions in the message itself.

    2. By registering at you may receive follow-up contact and offers from third party companies as you have agreed to do by accepting this Privacy Policy and, while We only work with carefully selected partners, we are not responsible for the services or representations of third parties.

    3. We may transfer Your Personal Information to carefully selected third parties (see “Selling and disclosing your data to third parties” above). If at any time You wish to stop receiving such contact from a third party, You will need to follow the instructions about unsubscribing provided at that time by the third party. Please note that We only partner with trusted companies who will respect Your right to unsubscribe from any such marketing communications, but We will not be responsible for managing that process or any disputes.

  12. Third party links and websites

    1. Our site may from time to time contain links to third party websites. If You follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own terms and privacy policies and that We do not accept any responsibility or liability for them.

    2. Because we are not responsible for any representations or information or warranties or content on any website of any third party (including websites linked to this website or websites facilitated by Us), We do not exercise control over third parties' privacy policies and you should refer to the Privacy Policy of any such third party to see how such party protects Your privacy.

  13. Age

    1. To register with Us you must be 18-years of age or older. Minors are strictly forbidden from using the Website.

  14. Changes to this Privacy Policy

    1. We reserve the right, in Our sole discretion to update, modify or amend (including without limitation, by the addition of new terms and conditions) this Privacy Policy from time to time with or without notice. You therefore agree to review the Privacy Policy whenever You visit our Website for any such change. Save as expressly provided to the contrary in this Privacy Policy, the amended version of the Privacy Policy shall supersede and replace all previous versions thereof.

  15. Which laws apply?

    1. This Privacy Policy will be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Florida. To the extent that a court has jurisdiction over any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with this Privacy Policy, We both submit to the jurisdiction of the Florida courts.

  16. Contacting Artcoast LLC (Artcoast Studio)

    1. Any questions, concerns or complaints related to our Privacy Policy or our treatment of Personal Information should be directed to: