
Axpo is driven by a single purpose – to enable a sustainable future through innovative energy solutions. Axpo is Switzerland's largest energy producer and an international leader in energy trading and the marketing of solar and wind power. Axpo combines the experience and expertise of more than 7,000 employees who are driven by a passion for innovation, collaboration and impactful change. Using cutting-edge technologies, Axpo innovates to meet the evolving needs of its customers in over 30 countries across Europe, North America and Asia. Around 7,000 employees work for Axpo in 150 different roles – this means a wide range of job entry and career opportunities for you. Bring along your knowledge, your enthusiasm and your dedication – and take charge. Visit our career website:

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Beschäftigte von Axpo Group


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    🌟 Axpo4Future Talent Day 2024: Power of Inner Strength 🌟 #Axpo4Future Talents from across the globe converged in Warsaw for a day packed with inspiration, connection, and personal growth. This year’s Talent Day wasn’t just an event—it was a journey. 🏔️ Highlights from the day: Helga Hengge shared us with her incredible story of summiting Mount Everest, the world’s most formidable peak. Her journey challenged us to reflect: What is the "summit" we're each striving for? Who stands by our side on this ascent? And most crucially, how do we overcome the inevitable challenges we face along the way? Wojciech Pazdzior equipped us with a "Traveler’s Toolbox," focusing on the essentials for our journey: well-being, mindfulness, and the importance of looking out for each other as we push towards our goals. We discovered that success isn't just about reaching the top — it's about the climb itself, building our inner strength, and lifting each other up along the way 🚀 🙏 Thank you to all who participated. We look forward to supporting and celebrating your journeys ahead. #Axpo #TalentDay2024 #Leadership #Growth

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  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    🐄 Axpo enters #biomethane market in Italy. The project, in a nutshell 👇 📍Located in the southern region of #Basilicata, the plant will produce approx. 45 GWh of renewable energy a year and is expected to start operations by the end of 2025. 💩 The plant will be constructed in the municipality of Grottole and mainly use agricultural waste from neighbouring farms to produce carbon-neutral #GreenGas. ➡ This will then be fed into Italy’s national gas network. 🗨 "#Axpo has an ambitious business growth strategy for biogas across Europe, and will continue to systematically implement it, one project at a time.” said Véronique Abrate, Head of Biogas International. 🗨 "Our Grottole project puts biomethane on the renewable gas map in Italy and we look forward to continuing to work closely with local communities, authorities and business partners in its successful development.” added Axpo Italia's President Salvatore Pinto. 🔗 Read the full press release here: #EnergyNews #EnergyTransition #EnergyMarket Marco Sacchi Marco Maccaferri stefano castello Markus Richter Fabio Zerbini Federica Re Lorenzo Bottari

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  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    Meet Loris, who’s part of the maintenance team at the #Beznau nuclear power plant. ⚙️ What he really appreciates about working at Axpo are the many opportunities for professional #growth, the good work-life balance, and the great working conditions. Find out why Loris enjoys being part of the #Axpo team and what keeps him motivated every day.✨ Create the energy future and apply now! 🔌  💼 #facesofaxpo #careers #maketomorrowhappen

  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎤 Yesterday, at the 2024 Swiss-Japan Energy Days in Zurich, Andy Sommer, Head of Fundamental Energy Market Analysis & Meteorology, framed the similar energy challenges of two countries 9,500km apart: ⚡ Switzerland and Japan face significant energy and climate challenges due to heavy reliance on energy imports and expected rising power consumption due to #electrification: 🔍 With over 30 years of experience in #EnergyCommodities, Andy suggested that Europe's Emissions Trading Scheme (#ETS) could inspire a solution for Japan's markets. Citing the EU’s success in reducing carbon emissions through #CarbonPricing, fundraising for subsidies, and low-carbon incentives, he highlighted the potential for similar strategies to accelerate Japan's #EnergyTransition. 🌍 Andy's proposal raises the question: could international cooperation be the key to #GlobalDecarbonisation? #SwissJapanEnergyDays #EnergySolutions #Axpo

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  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    👍Viele sind zurück, einiges war nie weg und für alle ging es dieses Jahr wieder richtig los: Nach zweijähriger Verschiebung ist die Teilsanierung der Stauanlage Gigerwald (SG) in vollem Gange. 🫗Die beiden imposanten Krane blieben die ganze Zeit über auf der über 140 Meter hohen Staumauer, während grosse Maschinen wie ein Seilbagger sowie Zement, Kies und Armierungsstahl in den letzten Wochen heraufgebracht wurden. Mittlerweile ist auch das Baustellencamp bezogen und die Vorbereitungsarbeiten gehen planmässig voran. Ende September wird der Stausee komplett entleert, damit die eigentlichen Arbeiten am Grundablass und dem Einlaufbauwerk des Triebwassers beginnen können. Diese Arbeiten hatte Axpo Group 2022 um zwei Jahre verschoben, weil im Winter 2022/23 eine Strommangellage drohte. 🤷♂️Grundablass? Triebwasser? Ganz einfach: Der Grundablass funktioniert wie der Stöpsel in einer Badewanne. Er dient dazu, einen Stausee komplett zu entleeren. Das Triebwasser wiederum ist das Wasser, das die Turbinen antreibt. Durch ihre Drehung wird in den Generatoren Strom erzeugt. Oder vereinfacht: Ohne Triebwasser kein Strom. 🙌Die Teilsanierung der Stauanlage Gigerwald ist also wichtig für den sicheren Betrieb und die #Versorgungssicherheit. Axpo und die Kraftwerke Sarganserland investieren dafür rund 25 Millionen Franken und bekräftigen ihr Engagement zugunsten der erneuerbaren Energien in der Schweiz.   In den nächsten Monaten stehen herausfordernde Bauarbeiten bevor. Die Wiederinbetriebnahme ist für Frühling 2025 vorgesehen.

    Eine Baustelle erwacht aus dem Dornröschenschlaf

    Eine Baustelle erwacht aus dem Dornröschenschlaf

  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    In the latest episode of our Energy Voices podcast, Domenico De Luca, Head of Trading & Sales at #Axpo, discusses his lifelong fascination with #energymarkets⚡, unpicks their complexities, and explains why trading and sales play such a crucial role for Axpo and its customers.   Energy trading combines everything from mathematics, technology 🛠️, economics 💼 and engineering, to meteorology and geopolitics 🌍, Domenico explains. On any given day, external factors such as weather, world events reported in the news and politics can have a significant impact on market movements and strategic trading decisions. As an active participant, Axpo draws on its extensive knowledge, experience and expertise to gain an in-depth understanding of market movements and advises clients on how best to manage their energy needs.   🌐 Domenico is a great believer in the integrated European electricity market and thinks this has proven to be unique and resilient, especially in times of crisis.   A success story from which Switzerland and Axpo benefit, over the past 10 years the trading and sales division has accounted for approximately 50% of the company's financial results. But for Domenico De Luca it’s about more than just numbers. For him, energy trading is a vital factor in ensuring that the energy supply of the future is affordable, climate-neutral, and secure.

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    ✨Last week the 4th edition of our #EngineeringPowerConference took place at our Baden headquarters in Switzerland. 🌱 The theme was "Engineering Sustainability", and our experts delivered 16 inspiring talks, showcasing how they are shaping the energy world of tomorrow with the help of cutting-edge technologies. From #hydrogen production to #renewable energy and grid stability – we covered it all: 🔋 Insights into Switzerland's largest hydrogen production plant  ⚡ Optimising hydropower portfolios under extreme weather conditions 🏗️ The evolution of photovoltaic greenhouses and more... With over 500 participants from #Axpo sites around the world, the conference was also a fantastic platform for networking and exchanging ground-breaking ideas. 🌍💬 Check out the event highlights and recordings of the speeches here: #Innovation #SustainableEnergy #EnergyEngineering

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  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌟 Today we’re hosting the 4th edition of the #EngineeringPowerConference at Axpo Group. 🔧 This event is where diverse minds from across the #Axpo family come together, embodying our shared "engineering mindset."   🌍 This year's conference shines a spotlight on Sustainable Engineering, showcasing 16 inspirational speeches covering Hydrogen, Wind, Grids, and much more. Stay tuned for more insights and highlights!   #Innovation #SustainableEnergy #EnergyEngineering

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  • Unternehmensseite von Axpo Group anzeigen, Grafik

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    👏 Congratulations Cero Generation and beyond excited to be part of this success story in #Greece. 🥇 The Delfini project is underpinned by a long-term #PowerPurchaseAgreement: the first such project in the country not to leverage Greek government subsidies on electricity costs. 🗨 “We are thrilled to facilitate such a landmark agreement thanks to our long-standing #PPA expertise across several energy markets, in-depth understanding of customer needs and, last but not least, local presence. We will continue to support innovative and bespoke energy products and services, which ultimately help advance the region’s #energytransition.” said Vasilis Machias, #Axpo’s Country Manager in Greece.

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    📢 We are delighted to announce that Delfini, our 100 MW solar PV project in Greece, has reached commercial operation. ⚡ The project will generate 157 GWh of electricity annually, equivalent to powering 58,140 homes and avoiding 65,300 tonnes of CO2e emissions. 🌄 The project has been built on mountainous terrain and connects a 2.5 km 33Kv MV (medium voltage) line to a 33/150kV HV (high voltage) substation (110MVA Trafo). 👩🔧 It includes a 10km network of overhead lines, consisting of 29 overhead line towers connecting the project to the grid network. ✍ The project is underpinned by a long-term private power purchase agreement (PPA) with Axpo Group, making it the first such project in the country not to leverage Greek government subsidies on electricity costs. Delfini is also the first renewable project in Greece to have benefited from the Next Generation EU Recovery and Resilience Facility.

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    Meet Riccardo de Nardis, our Junior Gas Trader at #Axpo. 📈 He thrives in the fast-paced world of energy #commoditiestrading, enjoying the chance to connect with professionals across the globe and gaining valuable international experience through travel.🌎 While he’s a recent addition to the team, Ricardo has already learned a great deal, thanks to the guidance and support of his colleagues. Interested in working at Axpo? Apply now! 🚀  💼 #facesofaxpo #axpo #careers #maketomorrowhappen

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