Getting Europe off cheaper Russian energy, once and for all, is just one of Europe's many challenges. Combating the climate crisis and environmental pollution, and safeguarding public health and food security are some others. Polarisation, fake news and false promises make it more and more difficult for politicians to find compromises. But here's a way out: Science offers facts and evidence-based recommendations. Europe’s leading scientists work together in EASAC to provide independent, empirical, and future-oriented policy advice for European lawmakers. 💡 Discover our work and how it relates to Europe's biggest challenges on our brand new site for policymakers: #scienceadvice #scicomm #scienceforpolicy #Europe #energysecurity #climatechange #environment #health #foodsecurity #biomass #genomeediting #plasticpollution #homoeopathy Thomas Elmqvist William Gillett Rosa Castro The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Austrian Academy of Sciences Global Young Academy International Network for Governmental Science Advice (INGSA) TWAS – The World Academy of Sciences Ursula von der Leyen Jutta Paulus Maria Da Graça Carvalho
European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Wissenschaft für die Europäische Union – Die Nationalen Wissenschaftsakademien der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten
EASAC - der Verbund der Nationalen Wissenschaftsakademien der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten - ist die Stimme der unabhängigen Wissenschaft in Brüssel. Wir beraten Entscheidungsträger/innen in der EU, indem wir wissenschaftsbasierte Empfehlungen zu Fragen abgeben, welche für die Bürger/innen Europas von Bedeutung sind. Unsere Empfehlungen sind vollkommen unabhängig von wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Interessen. Unsere wissenschaftsbasierten Analysen und Empfehlungen erarbeiten wir in einem nachvollziehbaren und transparenten Prozess. Wir möchten eindeutige Empfehlungen anbieten, die von Relevanz für die aktuell dringlichsten Fragen der Gesellschaft sind. EASAC arbeitet mit Wissenschaftlern in Steuerungs- und Arbeitsgruppen und wird von einer eigenen Geschäftsstelle an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Wien) und den Königlichen Akademien für Wissenschaft und Künste von Belgien (Brüssel) unterstützt. Als Netzwerke von herausragenden Wissenschaftlern verfolgen nationale Wissenschaftsakademien das Ziel, sowohl den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt und die Zusammenarbeit zu fördern, als auch das Verständnis für Wissenschaft in Politik und Bevölkerung zu verbessern. EASAC vertritt die nationalen Wissenschaftsakademien aller EU-Mitgliedstaaten, eine paneuropäische Wissenschaftsakademie und den Verband aller Akademien des geographischen Europas. Die nationalen Wissenschaftsakademien von Norwegen und der Schweiz wurden von der EASAC-Vollversammlung, dem Lenkungsgremium von EASAC, separat zu Mitgliedern gewählt. EU-Entscheidungsträger haben sich an Interessengruppengewöhnt, die versuchen, Einfluss auf Politik- und Finanzierungsentscheidungen zu nehmen. Von diesen unterscheidet sich EASAC dahingehend, dass wir Entscheidungsträgern detaillierte Analysen und Empfehlungen von Europas besten Wissenschaftlern zur Verfügung stellen.
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Beschäftigte von European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Professor Brian Norton
🌞Energy Research | 🔎Science Policy | 📚University Evaluation
Rosa Castro
Senior Advocacy Officer @ DSW | Bioscience & Public Health Programme Director @EASAC
Claire Dupont
Research Professor at Ghent University
Christiane Diehl
Executive Director bei European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC)
Spotlight auf zwei Veranstaltungen für unsere Follower im deutschsprachigen Raum: 🔥 Waldbrände erforschen und vorbeugen Harald Vacik, Forstwissenschaftler und Begründer der Österreichischen Waldbrandinitiative, erörtert bei einer IIASA-ÖAW Lecture, wie #Forschung und präventives Waldbrandmanagement dazu beitragen können, Brandgefahr und Schäden zu minimieren. Termin: 11. November 2024 (Präsenz), 18:00 Uhr im Festsaal der Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien Info und Anmeldung: 🔬 11. Konferenz des Netzwerks Technikfolgenabschätzung (NTA), Politikberatungskompetenzen heute Termin: 18.11.2024 - 20. November 2024 (Präsenz), BMBF und Design Offices am Humboldthafen, Berlin Michael Ornetzeder, Mitglied unseres Energy Steering Panels, spricht über Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung auf europäischer Ebene: Erfahrungen des European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC). Info und Anmeldung: #Waldbrände #Politikberatung #Wissenschaft #itsscience
2024 State of Soils in Europe report shows alarming trends of soil degradation in the EU and European Economic Area Overall soil erosion is estimated to be 1 billion tonnes annually across the EU. Today, approximately a quarter (24%) of EU soils are affected by water erosion, mainly in cropland, with projections referring to a possible increase of 13-25% by 2050. Unsustainable water erosion affects about a third (32%) of agricultural land. The mechanical agitation of soil, called tillage erosion and a common practice in agriculture, can also initiate soil degradation. Other forms of erosion include wind erosion and crop harvesting, among others. Nutrient imbalances are estimated to affect 74% of agricultural land. Nitrogen surplus is increasing and potentially harmful to human health, crops, ecosystems, and the climate. Meanwhile, soil organic carbon, essential to keeping soil healthy, is decreasing in agricultural areas. An estimated 70 million tonnes of this organic carbon were lost from the mineral soils of croplands across the EU and UK between 2009 and 2018. The report, jointly prepared by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the European Environment Agency highlights the need for immediate action to reverse these and other harmful trends. ➡ EASAC's Report on Regenerative Agriculture highlights farming principles and practices that maintain agricultural productivity, increase biodiversity, enrich soils, restore watersheds, and enhance ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration. 👩🌾 As the European Parliament's Environment Committee has just decided to start interinstitutional negotiations on a new Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience, we hope the two scientific publications provide some inspiration. Martin Hojsik BERTA MARTINEZ GARCIA Rudi Hielscher Thomas Elmqvist Tobias Plieninger Louise E.M. Vet Claudia de Lima e Silva #SoilHealth #SoilMonitoring #RegenerativeAgriculture #ClimateChange #Agriculture #itsscience
It's #Halloween. And one of the spookiest things we know is #Zombie fires. Just like in movies where corpses rise from the dead... 👻 Scary? You bet! Zombie fires are also called holdover fires or overwinter fires. Wildfire flames head deep underground to organic-rich soil and "hibernate". Often they smoulder in peat, releasing vast amounts of CO2 emissions, and re-ignite in spring. EASAC's ongoing study critically analyses a range of proactive actions to reduce the risk of landscape-scale wildfires in Europe, framed in local and regional contexts. #Science to the rescue 😮 🔥 The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) Global Young Academy Austrian Academy of Sciences The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences KNAW - Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen The Royal Society BERTA MARTINEZ GARCIA Tobias Plieninger Thomas Elmqvist #wildfires
OECD - OCDE's latest analyses show that better waste management, promoting a circular economy AND limiting plastic production are the keys to economically reducing plastics pollution - a message that EASAC's commentary sent earlier this year. We encourage the International Plastics Treaty negotiators to take note and reintroduce production limits on the treaty text. #plastics #plastictreaty #waste #itsscience 🌍 OECD analysis: 📖 EASAC Commentary:
Policy Scenarios for Eliminating Plastic Pollution by 2040
Countdown on Biodiversity in Cali The 23,000 participants at the United Nations COP16 are still debating biodiversity in Cali, Colombia until 1 November. The environmentalist and scientific communities have high expectations of concrete results, measures, financial commitments and monitoring mechanisms from this COP. As the world is facing unprecedented threats at the planetary level, the diversity of ecosystems, species, and genetic resources can no longer be taken for granted and requires a broad set of actions. "We are making progress, albeit not yet at the pace needed," said Astrid Schomaker, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity in her opening speech. And: "Peace with nature cannot be put in brackets." More info on COP16: 🌱 After the first week, reports and first negotiation documents indicate little enthusiasm for increasing pressure or pushing for specific transformative changes. But then, these types of international gatherings often gather pace towards their very end. This past weekend, the scientific community gathered on the side of the conference at the "Sixth Science-Policy Forum for Biodiversity and the Ninth International Conference on Sustainability Science" to support objective and well-informed decision-making to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework. Our Environment Director, Prof. Thomas Elmqvist, participated in the open plenary and moderated a session on the role of nature in post-disaster, post-conflict recovery processes. The conclusions and recommendations will be made available as a report and a summary and presented at the COP16 plenary - and hopefully inspire participants to take ambitious actions. In the meantime, why not take a look at the reports from our Environment Programme: 👉 Neonicotinoids and their substitutes in sustainable pest control 👉 Regenerative agriculture #COP16 #biodiversity #ecosystems #regenerativeagriculture #neonicotinoids #nature #itsscience Claudia de Lima e Silva Louise E.M. Vet Tobias Plieninger
European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) hat dies direkt geteilt
ESTIV President | Director at IEPT at CEM | Executive Board Member at CEM at SAS | ONTOX Deputy coordinator communication, dissemination & exploitation | Bioscience Steering Panel EASAC | EPAA MG | CEO | #FutureScience
European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) Bioscience steering pannel meeting in beautiful Amsterdam discussed number of important and visionary topics, such as #AI in Healthcare, #ArtificialMeat, future of #AnimalExperiments #Biodiversity and #Biosafety ....and many more. It was my big pleasure and also honour to represent Slovak Academy of Sciences at this meeting. #FutureScience
Always happy to read when our papers make a difference 😊 Vattenfall is now exploring sustainable heat sources including hashtag #wasteheat #geothermal for Diemen. 👉 hashtag Why do we think this is a better idea? Check our reports on biomass and proper carbon accounting: 👉 #itsscience #biomass #wasteheat #geothermal
FANTASTIC NEWS, NO #biomassplant IN DIEMEN At last! After five years of fierce protests from society and science, Vattenfall will no longer pursue a #biomass plant in the village of Diemen, near Amsterdam. I am happy to see that fighting against the local villagers and the collective European scientists of European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) appears futile after all. It is a mystery to me why the self-proclaimed ‘green’ Swedish state company has tried this for so long. Or would it be for the 400 million euro subsidies that former climate minister Rob Jetten approved in 2023, against his own policies? Praise for Comite Schone Lucht and chair Fenna Swart, who lead a restless campaign against the large scale cutting and burning of trees for #energy applications. They have been crucial for Jetten’s decision in 2022 to stop subsidies for new biomass projects, and for Vattenfall’s decision to stop their biomass plant in Diemen. This is good news for the people in Diemen and surroundings, because burning trees pollutes the air. It is good news for the regional environment, because burning trees emits #nitrogen. It is good news for the #climate, because burning trees emits more #co2 than burning #coal. It is good news for the Baltic and American nature, because burning trees causes deforestation and loss of #biodiversity. The Clean Air Committee, Fenna Swart and we all are not yet there however, as the tree-burning plans of our present four coal plants must also be stopped. That is the next step.
Environment and climate protection are often portrayed as "luxury" policy actions, which should only come into play if and when they do not come at the expense of commercial interests. But ecological risks are also commercial risks. Just think about the example of 2023, which brought the worst wine harvest in 62 years due to extreme weather and climate change... On 3-4 October 2024, EASAC member The Royal Society hosted a conference chaired by Sir Partha Dasgupta FRS, which brought together scientists and businesses to discuss how trends in environmental decline are leading to new risks to business models and investments. The proceedings helped business leaders to understand the latest science on how the natural world is changing, the risks their businesses face as a result, and actions that will help mitigate those risks. The livestream has been recorded and you can watch it here: 📺 The failure to reverse trends to worsening climate disruption and biodiversity loss requires transformative change. You can read more about it here: 📖 #environment #climatechange #businessrisks #ecology #itsscience #scicomm BERTA MARTINEZ GARCIA Rudi Hielscher Thomas Elmqvist @ Bill Hartnett Louise E.M. Vet Claudia de Lima e Silva Tobias Plieninger
Flagging traineeships at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission in Brussels. Please take a look at the Call for Applications below. It's a great opportunity for recent university #graduates to gain experience at the science-policy interface. ✒ You can still apply until Nov 04 ( #traineeship #itsscience #scienceadvice #scicomm #Brussels #EU Rudi Hielscher BERTA MARTINEZ GARCIA Henzler Sabine