Gebauer & Griller

Gebauer & Griller


GG Group leads through passion in energy & data transmission.


Wir, GG Group, sind eine glo­ba­le Un­ter­neh­mens­grup­pe, die seit mehr als 80 Jah­ren tech­nisch hoch­wer­ti­ge Ka­bel und Lei­tun­gen für die Au­to­mo­bil­in­dus­trie und für In­dus­trie­an­wen­dun­gen pro­du­ziert. Ge­mein­sam mit un­se­ren Kun­den ar­bei­ten wir mit Lei­den­schaft dar­an, in­no­va­ti­ve und in­tel­li­gen­te Lö­sun­gen für de­ren Her­aus­for­de­run­gen zu ent­wi­ckeln. Mit sei­nen tech­ni­schen Lö­sun­gen zielt GG Group auf hohe Qua­li­tät und die punkt­ge­naue Er­fül­lung von Kun­den­an­for­de­run­gen. Qua­li­tät steht nicht nur bei un­se­ren Pro­duk­ten und Pro­zes­sen im Mit­tel­punkt, son­dern auch bei un­se­rer tech­ni­schen Kom­pe­tenz in der Be­ra­tung un­se­rer Kun­den. Mit mehr als 4000 Mit­ar­bei­tern an 11 Stand­or­ten welt­weit ist GG Group ei­nes der er­folg­reichs­ten ös­ter­rei­chi­schen In­dus­trie­un­ter­neh­men in Fa­mi­li­en­be­sitz. #WeareGG #WireUpTheFuture

1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Cables, automotive, wires, harness, alloy, e-mobility, sustainable, automotive industry, manufacturing, family business, aluminum, technology, e-cars, industry, autonomousdriving, digitalization und IIoT


Beschäftigte von Gebauer & Griller


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    This week, CEO, CRO and CTO Dr.-Ing. Holger Fastabend made his first visit to our site in Ruse, Bulgaria, to check on project progress. Together with Regional Director Eastern Europe Dan-Calin Botean, they delivered an inspiring speech and congratulated the team for the outstanding results from a major German OEM's visit earlier this week. Their evaluation of our site readiness exceeded their expectations and ours! Looking ahead, next month, the first #GGBulgaria employees will attend training at #GGMoldova. In August, we’ll be welcoming our first production equipment to our brand new plant in Ruse, Bulgaria - we'll keep you updated! #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG

    • a group of people standing in front of flags
  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

    19.070 Follower:innen

    This summer, we are celebrating the achievements of our ongoing transformation process, highlighting contributions from colleagues across all levels. Meet our #AgentsOfChange and discover their impact on our transformation process! --- Meet #AgentOfChange* Siegfried Gaunersdorfer, Manufacturing Planner at #GGPoysdorf: Siegfried has significantly contributed to the digitalization of our work processes by developing and implementing new tools that enhance efficiency and productivity. His initiatives have optimized workflows, improved collaboration, and increased transparency and traceability of projects. A notable achievement was the introduction of a comprehensive digital tool that improved team communication and KPI tracking. This innovation reduced misunderstandings and boosted efficiency, providing clearer insights into performance and areas for improvement. The result was a more coherent and effective way of working that positively impacted the entire department. Siegfried has expanded his skills in digital transformation and project management. He learned the importance of embracing change and integrating new technologies to stay competitive. His key takeaway is the value of continuous improvement and collaboration, encouraging colleagues to actively contribute to future innovation projects. Thank you, Siegfried, for being an agent of change! 🦸♂️⚡💡 #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG #transformation

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  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

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    Our CEO, CRO, and CTO, Dr.-Ing. Holger Fastabend, recently sat down with Automobilwoche to discuss GG's plans for the future. As a leading cable specialist, we are aiming to enhance our resilience and expand our expertise in the automotive sector into other market segments. Plus, we are set to broaden our collaboration network and anticipate significant growth in the industrial sector. Read more here: (in German).

    • a factory with several machines and wires
  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

    19.070 Follower:innen

    Exciting News from #GGPoysdorf! 🌞🌍💚 We're thrilled to announce that GG Group has committed to long-term, climate-friendly, and energy-cost-reducing initiatives! In our plant in Poysdorf, Austria, we've installed a state-of-the-art photovoltaic system on a free space of approximately 9,500 m² south of the development center. This "zero feed-in" system allows us to use 99.7% of the green electricity generated, making a significant impact on our sustainability efforts. Our new PV system was officially launched on June 19, 2024, marking a milestone in our journey toward a greener future. Holger Fastabend, CEO, CRO, CTO: "The new PV system in Poysdorf is not just a step towards sustainability for GG but also a positive signal to our employees, the local area, and most importantly, to our customers." #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG #GreenEnergy #Sustainability

    • a large field with solar panels
    • a large building with many buildings and a lake
    • a large field with buildings and a river
  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

    19.070 Follower:innen

    "As CFO of GG Group, I am emphasizing the added value of accurate and fast financial steering in order to enable sustainable financial performance and strategic investment in future growth. Only with a strong and stable financial basis, we will be able to fully exploit our strategic potential - financial excellence is key! Our group-wide interlinked financial performance measurement, executed by a highly professional global finance organization is an essential key asset in achieving our transformation goals and leads the way to a financially prosperous future." - Elke Vlach, CFO GG Group #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG

    • a woman smiling for a picture
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    Meet #AgentOfChange* Jens Wang, Operations Senior Manager at #GGChina 🦸♂️⚡💡 Jens, as an operations expert with a background in management accounting, understands the importance of liquidity and resilience in operations. He led his team in analyzing the cost structure and developed agile management mechanisms. By improving flexible production and inventory control, they reduced fixed costs, added incentives, and shortened order lead times. A significant project increased productivity through precise planning and performance initiatives, without additional hiring, reduced labor costs, and provided extra income for workers, benefiting both the company and employees. This success reshaped the team’s understanding of transformation and value creation. Professionally, Jens has enhanced his leadership and communication skills through this process. He emphasizes that: "In VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) times, mutual understanding, close cooperation, and agile management are crucial for future success." #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG #Transformation *This summer, we are celebrating the achievements of our ongoing transformation process, highlighting contributions from colleagues across all levels. Meet our #AgentsOfChange and discover their impact on our transformation process!

    • a man wearing glasses and a white shirt with blue background
  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

    19.070 Follower:innen

    Nice traditions should be kept alive! 🌞 That’s why, at this year’s #GGPoysdorf summer party, colleagues from Poysdorf and Vienna came together once again to celebrate in glorious summer weather. With cool drinks, tasty food, and lively music, spirits were high in the Poysdorf "Kellergstettn." Another highlight of the event was a special surprise: Karl Fröschl - former plant manager, managing director, and most recently supervisory board member - was honored for his 50+ years of dedicated service at GG. Gerhard and Niki Griller expressed their gratitude on behalf of the shareholders for his commitment and contributions. 🎖️ Thank you to all our GG employees for making this summer party a great event and for your #dedication and outstanding work throughout the year! 🎉 #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG

    • a group of men wearing sunglasses
    • a group of people sitting at tables under white umbrellas
    • a group of men standing under a tent
    • a group of men shaking hands outside
    • a group of people sitting at tables under umbrellas
  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

    19.070 Follower:innen

    #AgentsOfChange This summer, we are celebrating the global GG team - the hearts and brains facilitating our ongoing transformation process, highlighting contributions from colleagues across all levels. Meet our #AgentsOfChange and learn about their transforming impact and experience. ---- Meet #AgentOfChange Vojtěch Hruška, Lean and Continous Improvement Engineer at #GGMikulov. Vojtěch tackled the challenges of special transport by identifying root causes and implementing countermeasures using the Lean Six Sigma DMAIC method. This effort led to reduced costs, minimized inefficiencies, and decreased overtime for the dispatch department. His most satisfying moment was seeing year-over-year KPIs improve, thanks to the team's hard work. Vojtěch emphasizes the importance of a dedicated team, comparing it to a well-working marriage that shares both good and bad times. Professionally, Vojtěch is advancing towards his Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification, gaining valuable project management experience along the way. Thank you, Vojtěch, for being an agent of change! 🦸♂️⚡💡 #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG #Transformation

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    19.070 Follower:innen

    🚩 Exciting developments at #GGBulgaria: We had the honor of welcoming Mayor Pencho Milkov and Deputy Mayor Zlatomira Stefanova to our Ruse plant. Their visit aimed to see the progress of our new "GG Cable & Wires Bulgaria" harnesses plant. We're happy to share that they were highly impressed with our modern technologies and high standards. They engaged in productive discussions with Markus Ganahl, COO, Dan-Calin Botean, Regional Director for Eastern Europe, Dan Tagorean, General Manager, and Stela Lecheva, Human Resources Manager at GG Bulgaria. Topics covered included: Project progress, recruitment needs for skilled personnel, municipal support and employee transportation plans. 👩🔧🚌 GG Group management presented its plans to create a stable company that will attract and retain a highly skilled workforce, stressing the importance of cooperation with universities and training institutions. "GG is a good example for other companies," said Mayor Pencho Milkov, stressing the importance of gradual and steady development. #WireUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #WeAreGG #GGBulgaria #Ruse

    • a group of people posing for a photo
    • a group of people walking in a room
    • a group of people standing in a room
  • Unternehmensseite von Gebauer & Griller anzeigen, Grafik

    19.070 Follower:innen

    Ever wondered how nature’s air conditioners work? Trees and vegetation lower surface and air temperatures by providing shade and cooling through evaporation and transpiration, also called evapotranspiration. We are happy to share that our colleagues at #GGMexico have participated in a reforestation project as part of our #GGCares social initiatives. The project took place in the community of Cuarto Centenario, located just behind our #GGMexico premises. Together with local residents, our employees planted 30 trees in three different areas, contributing to a greener future and a better local climate. #WeAreGG #GGCares #WiresUpTheFuture #HarnessYourPotential #reforestation

    • a man in a blue shirt and hat
    • a group of people posing for a photo
    • a group of people planting a tree
    • a group of people digging in the dirt
    • a group of people planting trees

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