🙏 🚀 🙌 refinq gains FFG support for its advanced “Nature Intelligence Hub”: Elevating Biodiversity and Climate Analysis 🧬 🌍 🛰 We're excited to share that refinq has been awarded a significant grant of € 480,000 from the FFG Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria's premier agency for research funding. This endorsement by one of Austria's most distinguished research funding bodies reinforces our dedication to leading in technical and scientific realms. This funding will enable us to substantially advance and fortify our Nature Intelligence Hub for biodiversity, ecosystem and climate risk analysis. Our objective with the Nature Intelligence Hub is to support companies in assessing their environmental impacts, dependencies and risks, while facilitating cost-efficient data collection, while also aiding them in complying with complex environmental regulations and frameworks like TNFD, CSRD, ESRS, SBTN, etc. The Hub is developing into a comprehensive All-in-One solution, not just offering insights into nature, but also affecting corporate decisions and the transparency of environmental impacts & dependencies within their locations and value chain. At the heart of our initiative is the provision of AI-enhanced nature data through the aggregation, validation, and processing of information from diverse sources, including on-site data, geospatial information and satellite imagery. Our ambition is to fill data voids and provide improved insights for reporting metrics, biodiversity and climate compatibility assessments and financial impacts. We express our sincere thanks to the FFG for their confidence in our vision and are eager to continue our efforts, which hold immense significance not only for the realm of science and technology but also for the conservation of our planet.
🌍 refinq - Your Nature Intelligence Hub Pioneering the Future of Nature Assessments Combining Biodiversity & Ecosystems Data with Physical Climate Risk Scenarios to Manage your Asset's Nature Footprint 🐝 Biodiversity & Ecosystems Analysis Get a clear view of the life surrounding your assets with our detailed biodiversity and ecosystem studies. We also offer ongoing monitoring. Our data helps you make sure you're meeting key standards like ESRS, TNFD and SBTN, making it easier to blend responsible ecological practices with your business goals. ⛈️ Physical Climate Risks Assessment We help you understand how climate change could affect your assets now and in the future. Our highly specific assessments are aligned with EU-Taxonomy Appendix A, giving you the detailed information you need to make smart, future-proof decisions. 🌳 Nature Risk Management Identify and manage risks from nature that could impact your finances. Our asset-level analysis digs deep into potential financial effects, helping you create strategies that benefit both the environment and your bottom line.
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Get to know Future Forest Batch #3 — refinq: Leveraging nature-positive corporate opportunities with AI and data analytics 🌱 At the Future Forest Forum, promising startups pitched their ideas to a panel of investors, partners, and sponsors to secure a spot in our Future Forest #Accelerator. refinq is one of the six #startups that made it into Batch #3 — and here's why you should get to know them! Refinq's Nature Intelligence Hub combines advanced scientific methods, #AI and comprehensive data integration to translate complex environmental data into actionable financial insights. The #platform thus helps companies and financial institutions to understand and minimize environmental risks while leveraging nature-positive corporate opportunities. Its core areas are the integration of remote sensing and #climate data, as well as machine learning to predict environmental risks. Overall, Refinq’s business idea hits a core need of today’s economical world and we’re already looking forward to seeing their journey unfold. Thus, we are happy that we could match them with Felix Ferstl from our FFI #mentoring network! 👉 Further Information about refinq via https://lnkd.in/e_zwGz5H Franziska Walde Björn Kaminski Dr. Benjamin Kowalski Christoph Ameseder Susanne Roennefarth
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Überschwemmungen, Stürme und andere #Naturkatastrophen schädigen schon heute die #Wirtschaft in großen Ausmaßen, weil die #Natur bereits sehr stark durch unsere #Produktionsweisen geschädigt worden ist: #Lieferketten stürzen zusammen, #Produktionsausfälle nagen an #Umsatz und #Gewinnen. Unternehmen müssen deshalb umdenken und in #Biodiversität investieren, schreibt Franziska Walde, Mitgründerin des Wiener Climate-Tech-Start-ups refinq, in ihrem Standpunkt für Tagesspiegel Background Sustainable Finance 👉 https://lnkd.in/dyPNJGmS #Wissensvorsprung Foto: Refinq
🌿 Thriving with Nature: How Biodiversity Drives Sustainable Business Success Biodiversity is not just about preserving the planet's beauty; it’s fundamental to business resilience and growth. From providing essential ecosystem services to ensuring resource availability, biodiversity underpins the success of countless industries. Yet, with over 1.2 million species threatened and ecosystem collapse on the horizon, the time to act is now. At refinq, we help businesses identify and address the risks associated with biodiversity loss, transforming these challenges into opportunities. By aligning with Nature Positive Finance, companies can protect their future while contributing to a sustainable planet. 🌱 Unlock your business's potential with our Biodiversity & Climate Risk assessments. 📘 Discover more in our latest blog: https://lnkd.in/eHiwC_BU
🌿 From Vulnerability to Viability: Navigating Climate and Biodiversity Risks 🌍 The dual crises of climate change and biodiversity loss are reshaping the world as we know it. With over half of the world’s GDP reliant on nature, businesses face an urgent need to address these interconnected challenges. It’s not just about compliance—it’s about securing future opportunities. At refinq, we help businesses integrate climate and biodiversity risk assessments to build resilience, attract investors, and lead the transition to a nature-positive future. 🌱 Learn how businesses can thrive with proactive risk management. 📘 Read more in our latest blog: https://lnkd.in/erggMA9k #ClimateRisk #BiodiversityLoss #SustainableBusiness #RiskManagement #refinq #NaturePositive 4o
From Vulnerability to Viability: Risk Assessments for a Climate-Smart and Nature-Positive Future
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Startups wie GMD®, e.Ray Europa GmbH, Adeva, Okeanos Smart Data Solutions GmbH, refinq oder OroraTech widmen sich bereits dem Hightech-Schutz vor Katastrophen und werden durch die zunehmenden Extremwetter immer wichtiger:
Hochwasser: Diese DACH-Startups helfen beim Katastrophenschutz
🌎 We’re so excited to share that refinq is now a member of the Nature Tech Collective ! At refinq, we focus on help asset-dependent businesses to better understand and manage their biodiversity and climate risks using cutting-edge geospatial analysis and machine learning. Our platform translates complex environmental data into actionable insights that support decision-making, regulatory compliance, and sustainable growth. By joining the Nature Tech Collective , we’re excited to collaborate with other innovative companies and accelerate the adoption of nature-positive strategies across industries. Together, we’ll help close the gap between nature and finance while driving a sustainable future. 🌿 #naturetech #biodiversity #climaterisk #sustainability #innovation #naturalcapital #refinq #naturepositive
🌍 Climate change isn't just an environmental issue—it's a financial one too. Severe weather events and chronic climate impacts are reshaping the global economy, creating risks that businesses can't afford to ignore. In our latest article, we explore how these risks create a financial domino effect and how refinq's climate risk tool helps companies stay resilient in this uncertain future. Read more to discover how your business can proactively navigate climate-related challenges! #ClimateRisk #Sustainability #FinancialResilience #ClimateAction #refinq
The Financial Domino Effect: Climate Change and the Economy
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🌍 Green or Gone: Navigating the Financial Stakes of Climate Action in 2024💸 As climate change accelerates, businesses face a dual threat: the rising costs of inaction and the evolving financial landscape. 🌱 The latest research from the European Central Bank (ECB) highlights how monetary policy and climate risk are increasingly intertwined. Firms with high carbon footprints are feeling the squeeze as interest rates rise, while businesses with green initiatives gain a competitive financial edge. At refinq, we’re diving deep into this critical issue in our newest blog post, Green or Gone: The Monetary Stakes of Climate Action. It’s time to understand how central bank decisions impact your company’s access to capital and what you can do to strengthen resilience. 💡 Key Insights: - Green Premiums, Brown Penalties: Why carbon-heavy businesses are facing higher borrowing costs. - Credit Crunch: How tighter monetary policy impacts high-emission firms. - The Green Advantage: How eco-conscious businesses are securing better financial terms. - Strategies for Resilience: Proactive steps to lower financial risk and thrive in the new climate economy. 📘 Read the full blog post: https://lnkd.in/eJnygRnH Stay ahead with refinq—because climate risk is financial risk. 🌿 #ClimateRisk #MonetaryPolicy #Sustainability #BusinessResilience #GreenFinance #refinq
Green or Gone: The Monetary Stakes of Climate Action
🌍 The Future of the Olympics: Under Threat by Heatwaves? 🏅 The 2024 Paris Olympics have brought global attention to a critical issue: the rising temperatures that are making some cities unsuitable for hosting major sporting events. As highlighted in CNN’s recent article "These cities will be too hot for the Olympics by 2050," the impact of extreme heat is not just a future concern—it’s happening now. Our latest blog post, "Scorched Supply Chains: How Heatwaves and Heat Stress Are Disrupting Business as Usual," delves into the record-breaking temperatures of 2024 and the far-reaching consequences for global businesses. From transportation delays to severe impacts on worker productivity, the economic effects of heatwaves are intensifying. 🌡️🚨 At refinq, we understand that the stakes are high. Our specialized climate risk assessments, particularly focused on heat stress and heatwaves, provide businesses with the data-driven insights they need to navigate these challenges. As global temperatures continue to rise, ensuring resilience against heat-related risks is no longer optional—it's essential. 💡 Key Takeaways: Heat Risk Mapping: Identify and protect areas vulnerable to extreme heat. Adaptation Strategies: Tailored solutions to mitigate the impact of heatwaves. Future-Proofing: Use cutting-edge climate projections to stay ahead of emerging risks. 📘 Read the full blog post: https://lnkd.in/dR6R5EyU Stay Informed. Stay Prepared. Stay Resilient with refinq. 🌱 #ClimateRisk #HeatwaveImpact #Sustainability #BusinessContinuity #Paris2024 #Olympics #refinq
Scorched Supply Chains: How Heatwaves and Heat Stress Are Disrupting Business as Usual