CHIA Queensland reposted this
Qld Policy Brief - Streamlined MIDs for Social and Affordable Housing, and other planning changes At the end of 2024, the Deputy Premier announced changes to the planning framework for social and affordable housing on Community land. The key planning changes which came into effect, include: ☑️ new streamlined Ministerial Infrastructure Designations (MIDs) process commenced, with operational guidance released to give effect to this streamlined process. ☑️ amendments to the Community Facilities Zone Purpose to include Affordable housing component ☑️ permit Caretakers Residence to be used as a Dwelling house in Community facilities zone. In this session, we will hear a presentation from Peta Harwood GAICD, a senior executive of Planning Group within the Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, explaining these recent changes. The session will be chaired by Nicole Boulton, PIA Qld's PD Convenor Date: Tuesday 11 February 2025, Time: 1:00PM-2:00PM (AEST) FREE FOR MEMBERS Registrations essential: