GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY | the Greek-Australian Society today celebrated the 204th anniversary of Greek Independence Day with community events in Sydney and Melbourne. In Sydney, President George Mpliokas attended the Doxology service at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral, concelebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, and he and Vice-President Bill Maloukis together laid a wreath at Martin Place Cenotaph. In Melbourne, Members Vasili Berbatakis and Helena Toscas laid a wreath at the Australian Hellenic Memorial together with Greek Community of Melbourne President and GAS Mentor Bill Papastergiadis OAM. GAS is attending further events throughout the week in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra to celebrate Greece's national holiday. Ζήτω η Επανάσταση! Long Live the 25th of March! #GreekIndependenceDay #Sydney #Melbourne #GreekAustralians