IGC 2028 Melbourne reposted this
Day 3 at 37th IGC, Busan (#2024IGC) Marina and Steve from Geoscience Australia share the latest from 37th IGC in Busan from Day 2 (yesterday) where Marina had plenty of meetings especially with Koreans (which she seems to have picked up a few new words!) while Steve got to the poster displays and was “parochially proud” to see some great posters especially from Australia (such as from Mosayeb Khademi and the team at MinEx CRC and from Jonghyun Lee and team at James Cook University, sorry that he missed Jenna M.’s that was up on Day 1). One notable feature of the Australian posters is how they have such a strong geospatial foundation … they all have maps and a strong spatial context for materials. Sharing “Where” is important in Australian geoscience. Looking ahead to Day 3 (today), Marina will be attending some of the scientific sessions, especially on geoscience education (I look forward to hearing about these tomorrow). Steve’s day has already started with hearing bagpipes at the breakfast reception for the Glasgow bid for the 38th IGC (including British Geological Survey) and he will then head to the International Union of Geological Sciences Council where he will be representing Australia. Marina and Steve then join forces at the General Assembly of the World Community of Geological Surveys (WCOGS) where Steve is leading several of the sessions before they then head to the reception for the IGC 2028 Melbourne bid. The day concludes with a dinner with WCOGS members. Its looking like a big fun day! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update … we now seem to be doing a regular update video!!!