Congratulations AOWA, ECU, Singular Health and everyone involved in this initiative. A great design project for our team - we’re proud to promote Strong Bones for Life! Spot Darren Lee & Stefani Tanzil in the photos from the launch event below 📸
The Skeletal Central launch was a huge success! 🎉 Here are some photos of the evening. Educators and healthcare professionals, you can now access the FREE bone health education resources! This interactive platform will make a big difference in teaching teens about bone health, and we’re thrilled to have you join us on this journey. The Skeletal Central educational tool includes: - Short animations available as teaching and revision tools. - Interactive 3D models of the musculoskeletal system and skull. - Immersive mini-games to learn about the skeleton, bone cells, nutritious food sources, and lifestyle factors impacting bone strength. - 20+ lesson plans aligned with the Australian curriculum. Visit the website to explore the resources: 🦴 #SkeletalCentral #BoneHealthEducation #TeachingTools #ArthritisCare #TeensEducation #BoneHealth #HealthEducation #Educators #HealthcareProfessionals #InteractiveLearning #TeenHealth #BoneHealthResources #ECU #ArthritisAwareness Edith Cowan University, Singular Health Group Ltd, Julie Boston (PhD), Amanda Devine, Ric Forlano, Lily Lomma, Karina Hilton, MBA, Martina Mariano, PhD, GAICD, Stefani Tanzil, Market Creations Agency, Western Kids Health