This is Jeff Co’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Jeff Co

  1. Los Angeles, California
  2. Electronic
  1. collection 401
  2. wishlist 51
  3. followers 15
  4. following 114
  1. My People : A Tribute To Vince Wald
    by Various Artists
  2. Chris Harris ‘A Photographer’s Journey’ : Music for Images
    by Ken Marshall
    Who doesn't love Hiwatt? Ken, if you ever read this: you're awesome & I'm grabbing Gnarletron after this. Please convince Ogre to do an album with you!!!!!!!!
  3. 萬物枯萎 Total Withered
    by Zaliva-D
  4. Happy Noise Device (IDMf011)
    by VA
  5. The glass is breaking (IDMf032)
    by Concierge_Weetr
  6. Mutual Mastication (IDMf006)
    by IG88
  7. Cute Overlord (IDMf028-s)
    by Vlantis
  8. The Black Fog EP (IDMf031)
    by Atra Aeterna
  9. Anagram2: Ire (IDMf021)
    by Silent Strangers
  10. IDMf Retrospective Vol. 1 (IDMf067)
    by VA
  11. Just Grow (IDMf040)
    by Kris Cadwell
  12. Recurve Device Complex (IDMf061)
    by Triangulation
  13. GunPony: Remixed (Flogging A Dead Horse) [IDMf046]
    by Vlantis
  14. Make Your Body A Darker Weapon (IDMf030)
    by Anodyne Industries
  15. Barely Legal Compilation (IDMf029)
    by VA
  16. Between the Silence and the Story (IDMf010)
    by VA
  17. Forms: IDM Vol. 1 (IDMf062)
    by VA
  18. of Storybook and Sound (IDMf043)
    by RFJ
  19. Forms: IDM Vol. 2 (IDMf064)
    by VA
  20. UPRMX (IDMf024)
    by XPURM