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Recurve Device Complex (IDMf061)

by Triangulation

Androgynous 05:30
Dog Mission 04:23


Triangulation says: "I’d describe the sounds as dreamlike, until the machine voices start, then it’s just stressed out. Then it gets cold and spidery on fleas mission. Then, a touch of wistfulness and sentimentality, simultaneously refuted by a scratchy miasma of artificial distortion and unstable yet fitting flow. Then for dog mission, a trip through an at once cavernous and closed-in constantly shifting environment of metal structures, speaking an inhuman language. Finally, complete immersion.".

I say Triangulation has done some of my favorite songs on our compilation albums for years, and the netlabel is very proud to present the first of his solo outings. This was described as three tracks, but his vision really flows best as one. So just hit play on the continuous mix and go on the sonic journey that only Triangulation could craft.


released January 25, 2020

Music and mixing by Triangulation

Mastering by James Pingel

Cover art by Lewis Taylor www.deviantart.com/lewistaylor
with edits by Triangulation.




Glitchpulse Records Australia

The home of over 200 talented experimental electronic music artists. We are a community built record label associated with the IDM Forums community. The label's diverse catalog highlights the talent within the community, featuring collaborative projects and compilations since 2008. ... more

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