This is Krzysztof Podhajski’s music collection on Bandcamp.

Krzysztof Podhajski

  1. Metal
  1. collection 143
  2. followers 2
  3. following 1451
  1. The Tumbling Psychic Joy of Now
    by Holy Tongue meets Shackleton
  2. Golden Triangle
    by SEX SWING
  3. Norna
    by Norna
  4. Praegustator
    by Kid Dakota
  5. Cool World
    by Chat Pile
  6. Cool World
    by Chat Pile
  7. Contempt
    by Bad Breeding
  8. Human Capital
    by Bad Breeding
  9. The Great Flood
    by Rope Sect
  10. Estrangement
    by Rope Sect
  11. Maggot Brain 020324
    by FACS
  12. Sublimation
    by Girls In Synthesis
  13. North America Endless
    by FACS
  14. Higher Violence
    by Rope
  15. Flavors Of Paradise
    by SAVAK
  16. S/T
    by Porcelain
  17. Freak Frequency
    by Stuck
  18. In E
    by Water Damage
  19. Reverberations of Non-Stop Traffic on Redding Road
    by Pan American & Kramer
  20. Zwierzakom
    by Ciśnienie